Rivlin: Israel should be concerned, not afraid of Hagel

Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin on Tuesday said Israel should be "concerned, but not afraid of [Chuck] Hagel's isolationist ideas."
Responding to US President Barack Obama's nomination of former Republican senator for the Pentagon post on Monday, Rivlin said Hagel's nomination does not just affect Israel alone, "but the global strategic balance of power. Heigel's isolationist policies will reflect on changing politices in America that will also have an impact on Israel."
Rivlin stated Hagel's approach should be "of concern to Israel, but not scare her," adding that Israel must know how to handle the move without isolating herself from the stronghold of American security.
To further quell recent concern over Hagel's appointment, Rivlin added "one person does not a policy make," stating that the appointment will in no way endanger the strategic relationship between Israel and the US.