RABAT - At least five people were killedwhen forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi shelled a residential area
in the besieged city of Misrata late on Monday, a doctor said,warning the death toll was likely to keep rising."The reception in the hospital is full. Five people wereconfirmed killed in the last two hours and five more are incritical condition," the doctor, who gave his name as Ramadan,told Reuters by phone from the city.
A second medic said the latest artillery assault on Libya'sthird biggest city had left many wounded but medical teams wereunable to reach them because of sporadic shelling.A rebel spokesman said the attack by pro-Gaddafi troopslasted four hours. The doctor said he was told by emergencycrews the bombardment had targeted a school serving as amakeshift shelter for residents fleeing the fighting in otherparts of Misrata