Stabbing attempted at West Bank checkpoint, attacker dropped weapon
The terrorist exited his vehicle with a knife in his hand, but in the process, he dropped the knife, allowing the IDF soldiers standing guard to confiscate it and apprehend the attacker.
A stabbing attack was attempted at Hashmonaim checkpoint, a checkpoint located in the West Bank near Modi'in Illit, on Wednesday when a Palestinian man tried to stab a security guard.The terrorist arrived in his car to the checkpoint and exited the vehicle with a knife in his hand with the intent of stabbing the guards, but in the process, he dropped the knife and the guards, IDF soldiers, were able to seized the weapon and the attacker.No one was injured in the attack.As the date of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's alleged initiation of annexation in the Jordan Valley and West Bank settlements looms closer, tensions in the West Bank have risen, with numerous attacks attempted directed against IDF soldiers.A bit over one week prior to the attack, two terrorists attempted to stab IDF soldiers near the Amihai settlement in the West Bank. That same day, a terrorist in Jerusalem also attempted a stabbing, this time directed at a police officer.