Terror victims NGO slams Palestinian prisoners deal

A terrorist victims NGO slammed the government on Monday for signing a deal with Palestinian security prisoners that would ease their conditions.
"After the Schalit deal we though the Netanyahu government would stop caving to terrorist actors," the Almagor Terrorist Victims association said, referring to last October's deal Israel signed with Hamas and which saw Israel exchange more than 1,000 Palestinian security prisoners for Gilad Schalit, the former IDF soldier that sat in Hamas captivity for over five years.
"But, yet again, the victims of terror are seeing how the system of justice is collapsing in front of their eyes and against Palestinian blackmail," the statement released by the organization, which publicly criticized and petitioned the Schalit deal, continued. "It is clear the the Netanyahu government... is generous towards and serving terrorists more than any other government."
"And these terrorist actors are learning that the expanded government will cave to their threats," the statement concluded, noting that the deal was inked after the formation of the new coalition.