Molotov cocktails set fire to house in West Bank outpost

The incident, in which six Molotov cocktails were thrown at a house in Oz Zion Wednesday night, injuring a man, sparked a harsh response by Otzma Yehudit leader Itamar Ben-Gvir.

Molotov cocktail in hand (photo credit: YANNIS BEHRAKIS/REUTERS)
Molotov cocktail in hand
In an attempted terror attack on Wednesday night, Palestinians threw Molotov cocktails into a house in Oz Zion in the West Bank. 
IDF, Israel Police and Fire and Rescue services were dispatched to the scene. Troops continued to scan the area in search of the terrorists, N12 reported. 
A security official told Kan that six Molotov cocktails were thrown at a house in the outpost, and one resident was injured lightly from burns to his foot. Another three suffered from light injuries due to smoke inhalation. They were all treated at the scene and did not require hospitalization. 

There were four men in the house at the time, who were forced to jump out the windows when the Molotov cocktails, some of which were thrown into the house, set it on fire, according to the NGO Honenu. One of the mattresses inside caught fire, burning one of the men's feet. 

"The terrorists who set fire to residential houses in Oz Zion near Givat Assaf tonight are the same terrorists and the same enemy that is haunting us today in Jerusalem, Jaffa and Gaza," announced Binyamin Regional Council chairman Yisrael Gantz.
He asked that the IDF act strictly against the terrorists who dared to burn a house down with its occupants inside. 
Following the incident, Otzma Yehudit leader Itamar Ben-Gvir also demanded that the suspects be dealt with firmly. "The homes of terrorists who plotted to murder Jews" should be destroyed, he said. 
Ben-Gvir added that he would "raise the issue in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee," and "demand the destruction of the houses of the perpetrators, even if they did not succeed in their attempt to murder."