Investing in Israel: How Israel connects families across generations

Young professionals are keen on diversifying their portfolios, and Israel Bonds offers an accessible and meaningful way to do just that as it did for their parents and grandparents.

 Ira and Jamie Gurvitch’s love has blossomed since their first Israel Bonds delegation to Israel 30 years ago. (photo credit: ISRAEL BONDS)
Ira and Jamie Gurvitch’s love has blossomed since their first Israel Bonds delegation to Israel 30 years ago.
(photo credit: ISRAEL BONDS)

Sitting in his office in Boca Raton, Florida, Ira Gurvitch proudly looks at the framed photos of himself along with past Israeli leaders from his Israel trips more than thirty years ago. Amidst the ongoing war, Ira takes great pride in the tangible connection that he and his family have formed along the years with the State of Israel, by-in-large through their involvement with one of the most prominent global institutions supporting the Jewish State, Israel Bonds (Development Corporation for Israel in the United States).

Israel Bonds was a staple of Ira’s childhood, with his father, Nathan, serving on the Bonds advisory councils in Nassau County. Nathan, like many parents of his generation, would buy Israel bonds for Ira and his siblings each year, and when the bonds matured, whether it be 10 or 15 years, Ira was able to see the power of impactful investing. But it was not until Ira took an active role himself within the organization that he saw his investment in action. Joining the New York New Leadership Council in 1991 and the National New Leadership Council two years later, Ira recruited others to join Israel Bonds New Leadership delegations to Israel.

Ellin Gurvich continues her parents’ and grandparents’ legacy supporting Israel through Israel Bonds’ New Leadership Division. (credit: ISRAEL BONDS)
Ellin Gurvich continues her parents’ and grandparents’ legacy supporting Israel through Israel Bonds’ New Leadership Division. (credit: ISRAEL BONDS)

The 1990s marked a significant period of socioeconomic growth in Israel, with a GDP growth rate reaching around 5% annually and the largest immigration rate since the 1950s, especially from the former Soviet Union and Ethiopia. In the pre-Birthright era, Israel Bonds offered young Zionists the opportunity to be a part of this exciting growth as an active stakeholder. 

“The Israel Bonds trips were very special," Ira shares, “You are going to visit your country, as a Jew, and you see how things are improving, and you can’t help but feel pride that you are part of all of this wonder.  Everywhere we went was just so special and moving.”

But aside from the practical impact that the Israel Bonds delegations to Israel made on Ira, it was also where he met his wife, Jamie, at a local event in New York. Like Ira, Jamie’s family had always been very Zionist and involved in Israel Bonds, which offered an opportunity to deepen the connection with the Jewish state through her own personal investment. 

 A younger Ira Gurvitch presents former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin with an award of appreciation on behalf of Israel Bonds. (credit: ISRAEL BONDS)
A younger Ira Gurvitch presents former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin with an award of appreciation on behalf of Israel Bonds. (credit: ISRAEL BONDS)

“After becoming an investor, I cared more about the growth of Israel, which would assure us that over time, the State of Israel would better the lives for the Jewish people, including me and my family.  I would be present in these communities or speaking with local leaders, being shown the importance of my investment.” shares Jamie, thirty years later, as she proudly reminiscences together with Ira and their daughter Ellin, who is now a part of Israel Bonds New Leadership Division. 

With investment opportunities starting at $36 and current rate of returns between 4-5.74% for 2-15 year bonds (as of date of publication), even young investors like Ellin can have a seat at the table and make a difference.  

“When you make an investment in Israel you become more connected. I am involved with many organizations in New York. I kind of took after my dad,” Ellin shares, smiling as she proudly recognizes Ira’s influence in her philanthropic identity, “I found that in Israel Bonds you meet a lot people who want to take action.  At my age, everyone spends money differently. So, I ask myself if I want to spend $8 for a cup of coffee or investing money in Israel and putting in the work.  I would rather save [that $8] and invest in something meaningful to me.”

Young professionals are keen on diversifying their portfolios, and Israel Bonds offers an accessible and meaningful way to do just that. Ellin’s investment in Israel bonds offers returns that extend well beyond fiscal opportunities. It provides a means to connect to the land and the people of Israel, the roots of the Jewish identity, even while living so far away. A passion that she shares with her parents and grandparents and a legacy that will extend to the next generation. The same investment that Nathan shared with Ira, who in turn is now investing in Israel bonds for his grandson, Nathan, his father’s namesake.

“When you are just starting out in your 20’s and 30’s and every dollar means more, asking someone to donate $1,000, it’s a lot,” Ira adds, “When someone invests $1,000 that they will get back with interest, it’s a lot easier.  Having that person hold onto that investment creates an attachment with Israel.”

“I hope to be able to do this for my kids and grandchildren and it is like passing the baton. It is so beautiful to be connected through our family. I am eager to get more involved and learn more about investing and finances and am so excited for what the future holds” says Ellin.

Looking back on their impact within Israel Bonds, both Ira and Jamie swell with immense pride as their daughter forges her own path based on the foundation that has been built over three generations. Since first becoming involved more than three decades ago, Ira and Jamie see how their investment has helped shape the future of Israel, as well as their own family. Through Israel Bonds, the Gurvich family have gotten back so much more than they could have imagined, planning to spend their upcoming wedding anniversary together in the Jewish homeland, as their love story comes full circle. “There is nothing else we want to do and there is no other place we want to be other than Israel,” Jamie states, “We want to go back to where it all started for us.”


Development Corporation for Israel/Israel Bonds (“DCI”) is a broker-dealer that sells Israel bonds. The content in this article was prepared by DCI and the Jerusalem Post as part of a paid advertising campaign for DCI. This is not an offering which can be made only by prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before investing to fully evaluate the risks associated with investing in Israel Bonds. Member FINRA.