Gold's Ground Floor with Early Inning Prediction: Willem Middelkoop

Looking for investment opportunities? Middelkoop's bullish outlook on precious metals, uranium, and copper might interest you.

 Gold's Ground Floor with Early Inning Prediction: Willem Middelkoop (photo credit: PR)
Gold's Ground Floor with Early Inning Prediction: Willem Middelkoop
(photo credit: PR)

This article explores the key takeaways from a recent interview with Willem Middelkoop, founder of the Commodity Discovery Fund, on the YouTube channel Commodity Culture. The interview focused on Middelkoop's insights on various commodity sectors, including precious metals, uranium, copper, battery metals, and the energy complex.

Here's a breakdown of the key takeaways:

  • Precious Metals: Middelkoop sees a strong bull market for gold and silver, driven by structural deficits and mismanagement in the paper futures market. He advises investors to be patient with silver, as its price is poised for a significant rise.
  • Uranium: The uranium market is another sector with a bullish long-term outlook due to rising demand and limited supply. Middelkoop highlights NextGen Energy as a promising company to consider, despite some controversy surrounding its spending practices.
  • Copper: While acknowledging the potential for copper shortages in the future, Middelkoop questions the narrative that electric vehicles will be the primary driver of demand growth. He suggests emerging economies will play a significant role.
  • Battery Metals: Lithium and nickel are crucial for battery production, but Middelkoop believes copper remains the most essential battery metal due to its widespread use in both electric and hybrid vehicles.
  • Geopolitics & The Future: The global financial system centered around the US dollar is nearing its end, according to Middelkoop. He observes the rise of the BRICS alliance as a counterweight to the Western alliance and a potential catalyst for more freedom.


Middelkoop's outlook paints a picture of a commodity market ripe with opportunities, particularly for precious metals, uranium, and copper. His contrarian view on the electric vehicle narrative and emphasis on copper are noteworthy. However, his predictions about the demise of the US dollar system and the benefits of the BRICS alliance are debatable and require further observation.

Additional points to consider:

  • The interview touches on sensitive topics like government control and social media censorship. While these issues are relevant, the focus remains on commodity investing.
  • Middelkoop promotes his Commodity Discovery Fund throughout the interview, which is to be expected. Investors should conduct their own research before making investment decisions.

Overall, this interview provides valuable insights for investors interested in the commodity space. Middelkoop's experience and knowledge offer a unique perspective on the current market trends and potential future developments.

Source: YouTube channel Commodity Culture

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