Revolution in public housing: Eligible families to choose their own apartment

Amid the ongoing conflict and growing housing waitlist, a new program lets eligible families choose their own apartments - a major policy shift. Inbar Mazuz-Shor from the Housing Ministry explains.

A couple with a daughter in a new apartment. (photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
A couple with a daughter in a new apartment.
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

Exclusive: The Ministry of Construction and Housing provides rent assistance and eligibility for public housing to tens of thousands of families annually. The housing assistance budget is one of the largest directly allocated by the state to its citizens, aiming to provide stable housing for populations facing  severe economic and personal hardships.

The recent period has been challenging for the entire population of Israel, bringing new housing challenges, especially for disadvantaged communities. Since the start of the war, the ministry has updated various eligibilities, relocated populations, and rehoused them.

However, there is still a need for more flexible and tailored assistance for families, to which Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf responded by creating a new program. “Stable and Secure Rent” will be launched in the coming days for those waiting for public housing.

“We want to see how eligible families can maximize the assistance and choose where they want to live and develop. Eligible families don't always want the apartments offered to them in public housing for various reasons," explains Inbar Mazuz-Shor, Director of the ministry's Housing Assistance Administration, who spearheaded the new program and a broader initiative in the field.

"That’s why we developed this new program, which will truly revolutionize the field. Letters to eligible families will be sent out as early as this Tuesday,” she said.

What is the new program for those waiting for public housing?

“An eligible individual waiting for public housing can opt for the path of increased rent assistance without being offered an apartment. This means that for the duration of their eligibility, they will receive increased rent assistance, a benefit reserved only for those waiting for public housing, allowing them to rent an apartment anywhere they choose.

"Opting for this solution will remove them from the waiting list, granting them stability and the ability to rent an apartment independently without worrying about being offered a place that doesn’t suit their lifestyle.”

What are the advantages of this solution for those waiting?

“The main advantage is that the eligible individual can decide on the size, neighborhood, and type of apartment they want. For the entire eligibility period, they can receive assistance as long as they have a valid lease. During this time, they won’t have to visit or reject unsuitable apartments. Each tenant can receive the increased assistance in any settlement they choose, according to the rules.

"It's important to remember that those waiting for public housing can receive increased rent assistance, but if they reject two apartment offers, this assistance is revoked. In the new program, no apartments will be offered, and the assistance will remain increased.”


How do you anticipate the new program will be received by those waiting?

“Any program that increases the eligible person's freedom of choice and offers maximum flexibility and discretion in choosing their place of residence is welcome. We anticipate a positive response from the eligible public to this program.

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"Currently, some are waiting for public housing and no longer receive increased assistance because they rejected two apartments. This program will allow those not interested in public housing apartments, for their own reasons, to receive ongoing assistance throughout the eligibility period.”

Can any eligible person receive this assistance?

“Any new eligible individual or anyone who has so far refused one public housing apartment can choose this new path. Simultaneously, they retain the right to return to the waiting list within their eligibility period. The date of return to the list will be when they request it. This option can be chosen through the housing assistance companies located throughout the country.

"Additional information about the program can be obtained from the assistance companies, the ministry's hotline, and during public reception at the districts and assistance companies. The housing companies will also be familiar with the program and can explain it to eligible individuals.”

How would you like to see the results of the government’s investment in the field?

“We want to see how eligible families can maximize the assistance and choose where they want to live and develop. Public housing is meant for families that need long-term housing security, but eligible families don’t always want public housing apartments for various reasons.

"Following meetings with Minister Goldknopf and his directive, professionals in the administration created the new program. By providing increased assistance for the entire eligibility period, which is four years, it gives eligible families a significant timeframe to live where they desire, with greater certainty and a clearer path.”

How did you come to manage the Housing Assistance Administration?

“I have worked for several years in the government in the housing and real estate sector. The more I delved into and developed in this field, the stronger my connection to the mission of the administration became, which is to provide shelter to those in need.

"This is a massive mission that has accompanied governments in recent years, and I am proud to be part of the system, leading the solutions package in the field together with the administration's staff and district housing departments. This is a high-quality system of dedicated and professional employees. Every person in need of housing assistance is assessed with sensitivity and receives their eligibility according to the rules. We have the welfare of the individual in mind, and we do this with great responsibility and a deep sense of mission.”

This new program is just part of a larger initiative you've started with the new companies. What is the goal of this initiative?

“We want to expand governmental services in the housing field as much as possible. We operate through various channels, maximizing rights for potential eligible individuals, expanding our branch network, and opening additional branches to provide services in more local authorities.

"Alongside this, we diversify the existing assistance tools so that everyone can choose the path that best suits them. We know that not every assistance tool is suitable for everyone, so we try to offer additional flexibility to those recognized as eligible for increased assistance for a longer period.”

What improvements are expected with the introduction of the new companies?

“Much greater emphasis will be placed on the service aspect, both in response times and service quality. We have three dedicated companies that have accompanied eligible families for a long time. We have added a new company to this lineup, and the new tender is expected to bring us to excellent treatment quality and service standards.

"Additionally, by the end of the year, we expect to introduce online applications for assistance, so applicants can submit their requests online without having to visit physical branches. There's much to look forward to, and we will continue to improve both digitalization and service quality in all aspects of housing eligibility. It is important to note that we continuously monitor the quality of service to ensure it remains high, always keeping the citizen at the center.”

And practically, what will the public experience as a result of the new program?

“We aim for more accessible service, closer to home, and proactive outreach to check eligibility through maximizing rights and collaboration with other government entities like the National Insurance Institute and local authorities. The goal is to initiate service and reach as many eligible individuals as possible, quickly and professionally.”