Top municipalities awarded for excellence in building law enforcement

The Land Enforcement Authority awarded seven local committees for excellence in enforcing building laws, based on criteria like indictments, court rulings, demolition orders, and violation surveys.

Construction site. (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Construction site.
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

The Land Enforcement Authority held a ceremony yesterday for seven local committees that excelled in enforcing planning and building laws in 2023. The event took place as part of a recognition day for the outstanding committees of the year. During the day, the committees toured the Shalva Center and met with the management and staff of the Land Enforcement Authority. 

The committees, chosen based on criteria such as filing indictments, receiving court rulings, issuing demolition orders, executing demolition orders, conducting building violation surveys, and regular reporting to the Authority, are: 

- Northern District: Eastern Galilee, Misgav

- Central District: Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv

- Jerusalem District: Beit Shemesh

- Southern District: Beersheba, Netivot

Avi Baron Cohen, Director of the Land Enforcement Authority, stated: "Excellence is first and foremost about taking responsibility. These outstanding committees have demonstrated exceptional responsibility and commitment to enforcing the law and serve as role models for other authorities. The Authority places great importance on encouraging excellence, which strengthens a positive and ethical organizational culture that helps achieve goals and objectives. Therefore, the Authority will continue to foster organizational excellence, reflected in continuous, qualitative, and measurable monitoring of the enforcement performance of all local committees based on uniform comparative criteria." 

Yechiel Malka, Senior Director of the Local Committees Division, added: "The excellence of the selected committees is the result of hard work and dedication. We encourage other authorities to adopt their approach." 

Shlomi Numa, Deputy and Acting Mayor and Chairman of the Local Committee of Beersheba noted: "I thank the Land Enforcement Authority for this recognition. We are proud to be one of the leading local committees in the enforcement of planning and building laws. We place great importance on high-quality planning throughout the city and have made it our mission to enforce the law and maintain order as part of improving the public space and service to the city's residents. I thank the city's enforcement teams for their hard and efficient work, and I hope we continue to lead in this field in the coming years."
