Druze, Circassian IDF soldiers deserve extra real estate benefits for land ownership

At a Nadlan Media real estate conference, Israel Land Authority Director Yanki Quint addressed recent reports regarding land marketing and benefits for Druze and Circassian security personnel.

Yanki Quint and Ofer Petersburg at a Real Estate Media (Credit: Spokesperson Conference of the Israel Land Authority ).

In response to the criticism, during the Nadlan Media conference held on March 19 at ZOA House in Tel Aviv, Director of the Israel Land Authority Yanki Quint spoke for the first time about the recent reports concerning land allocation and benefits for members of the Druze and Circassian communities serving in the security forces.

According to Quint: "We also provide benefits to non-Jewish soldiers. I believe this issue deserves to be highlighted. When you have Druze and Circassian sectors willing to come and serve with us, shoulder to shoulder, it is important to grant them very significant benefits. And it is not something I am inventing—these are government decisions from the late 1980s and early 1990s that we are implementing. We certainly prioritize those who serve within these sectors."

Quint further explained: "Jewish reservists also receive significant benefits. The debate is different: Will we grant these benefits only to local residents and close associates in small numbers? Or will we open it to everyone and also expand the settlements? I am pleased to share that last Thursday, together with the Golan Regional Council, as a first step, we released 200 plots of land, where we will conduct a 'registration and lottery' process at minimal prices, followed by an acceptance committee.In the coming days, additional plots will be released in other settlements and councils. We believe reservists should be prioritized and granted greater benefits. At the same time, it is essential to expand these communities, develop the Negev and the Galilee, and ensure that all reservist populations can benefit from these significant opportunities."