The test results for Tadiran’s innovative air-purification technology, Air Care O2, have proven that it is extremely effective in reducing the concentration of the coronavirus in air by up to 99.99%, in a small enclosed space, the company said in a press release.
Within 30 minutes of operating the device, an 87.9% level of reduction in the concentration of the virus in the air was recorded. After 60 minutes, the level of reduction reached 99.8%, and after 90 minutes, it reached a level of 99.99%, it said.
Tadiran believes the test results are indicative of the Air Care O2 technology’s ability to be the most effective means of maintaining air quality and reducing the amount of bacteria and viruses, including the coronavirus, in closed spaces.
Three years ago, the Air Treatment Division was established at Tadiran, with the aim of developing innovative technological solutions for air treatment in closed spaces. After a trial was conducted, which proved that the technology developed by the company is effective in purifying air from mold, bacteria and viruses, Tadiran turned to its next major challenge: proving the technology’s effectiveness against the coronavirus.
The Air Care O2 device is installed in both central and mini-central AC systems. It is designed to purify the air from invisible biological pollutants, including viruses, bacteria and mold spores, which are able to penetrate the body via the respiratory system.
Tadiran’s Air Treatment Division is developing additional solutions for AC systems, such as overhead AC units and AC systems used in public transportation, with a view to expanding the range of air-purification solutions. The company is currently completing the process of branding for the international market.
“I have devoted more than 20 years to environmental microbiology, and I was more than happy to act as a consultant in the trials examining the effectiveness of the new Israeli development for purifying air from microorganisms, which improves the air quality in closed spaces,” said Prof. Ariel Kushmaro, head of the Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
The Air Care O2 converts the moisture in the room’s air into hydrogen peroxide, which then eliminates the mold, bacteria and viruses, such as the coronavirus, when coming into contact with them in the atmosphere of an enclosed space, he said.
In addition to these advantages, the Air Care O2 requires zero maintenance throughout the product’s life, which significantly reduces the cost of its use over the years, compared with existing closed-environment, air-purification market solutions, Tadiran said.
“Today, we are turning the company’s vision into reality and implementing an additional phase in Tadiran’s vision to have a positive impact on health and the quality of life via air treatment and upgrading our living domain,” Tadiran CEO Moshe Mamrud said. “We firmly believe that the Air Care O2 technology has the potential to become a significant and effective means in maintaining the quality of the air we breathe and in reducing the amount of bacteria and viruses, including the coronavirus, in closed spaces by installing it in the AC system with no effort at all.”