Be careful where you sign There are a few things to keep in mind when you actually arrive in Israel to view properties:-First, before a real estate agent in Israel will show you a property that is “for sale”, the agent will ask you to sign a “Request for Real Estate Services” form. This is basically a commission agreement, between you and your real estate agent, which Israeli law requires agents to have completed. The agreement establishes the commission rate agreed upon and identifies the properties the agent will be showing you. -Secondly, because the majority of property owners in Israel do not give “exclusive listings” to real estate agents, you may have seen the same property advertised by more than one agent. Be sure that you do not sign a “Commission Agreement” with two different agents to view the same property or you could risk obligating yourself to paying a commission to each agent if you actually went through with a purchase on that specific property.This should give you some basic guidelines for conducting your property search.
Lyle Plocher is the Director of Buy Property In Israel and can be reached by email at