Rights group: CIA sent at least 14 terror suspects to Jordan
The CIA transferred at least 14 terrorist suspects to Jordan for interrogation and torture following the September 11 attacks in New York City, according to a new report issued Tuesday by Human Rights Watch.
The New York-based rights group said in "Double Jeopardy: CIA Renditions to Jordan" that the US ally in the Mideast served as the CIA's proxy jailer and interrogator until at least 2004.
"While a handful of countries received persons rendered by the United States during this period, no other country is believed to have held as many as Jordan," said Human Rights Watch in a press release.
But Human Rights Watch has said the group met with the Jordanian intelligence department last August and raised the issue of renditions. Jordanian officials denied received prisoners rendered by the US as well as torture in the detention centers, according to the group.
US officials have acknowledged flying up to 150 of the most serious suspected terrorists from one country to another, but have said they received diplomatic assurances from foreign authorities that they would not use torture on the detainees they received.