Musings of new immigrant from Yuba City, California.
By YEHUDA HAMMERThrowing refrigerators
I moved south from Beersheba to Kibbutz Lotan seven days ago.
Kibbutz Lotan is on the border with Jordan, 55 kilometers north of Eilat, the southernmost Israeli city. In Lotan there is a spectacular view of the Edom Mountains in Jordan. Shades of orange, yellow, and red explode from the mountains and sand surrounding Lotan. As the day progresses the colors change. It is beautiful.
Kibbutz Lotan was founded in 1983 by settlement groups of Israelis and North Americans. Many of the founders were graduates of the Reform (Liberal Jewish) youth movements. Currently there are approximately 60 adult members from 9 countries, whose average age is 35. There are also around 60 children in Lotan. There are people living temporarily on Lotan who partake in educational courses, such as an environmental design course, Israelis who elect to do a year of national service before joining the army, Reform Jewish youth groups and volunteers who come from all over the world, which make up about another 30 people. Last of all there are about 25 non-member residents who also live on Lotan.
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