It was a sunny day in Jerusalem. I had been out shopping getting some of the stuff that I need to move into my new apartment next week.
Coming home, a memory showed up on Facebook. It was exactly five years ago that I started doing a very popular live broadcast with a good friend of mine, Ari Fuld.
Fuld and I were speaking about current events in Israel, especially about terrorism and terror attacks. Only a year later, I had to report about Fuld being brutally stabbed to death in a terror attack.
One of the victim’s husbands works in the prison service. As he arrived at the scene, he realized that his wife was lying murdered on the street. Her nephew is a paramedic. He showed up to treat victims and saw his aunt lying murdered on the street.
I can't even begin to fathom the horror.It's a knife in my heart all over again. I'm praying for God to comfort these families and that the memories of these precious victims will be a blessing.
Watching how Arabs are handing out candy to celebrate the murder of Jews is so vile and repulsive that I don't even know what to say.
So, while the world is busy condemning Jews for building in Judea and Samaria and demanding Israel hand over land to these monsters who are glorifying yet another despicable terrorist, Jewish families are once again ripped apart and have to go to the cemetery saying a final goodbye to their beloveds.
I cannot emphasize enough for Christian tourists to wake up when you come to Israel. Please don't come here and then just do your Christian trips, meaning going around to all the biblical sites and then leave. Of course you need to do these things. But there is so much more you absolutely have to do when arriving in this nation. You have to check out the security situation on the northern border where Israel is facing Iran and its proxies. You have to talk to the brave Jews who are living 10 seconds away from Gaza rocket fire.You have to go to the biblical Heartland and meet the brave Jewish pioneers who are being financially hit by the deplorable Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. You have to go and meet families who have lost a loved one in a terror attack. You have to go to Hebron and stand united with the Jewish people. Don't ever say these things are not safe, as you clearly see, it's the Jewish people who are being shot, stabbed, run over and firebombed in this country. Arriving as a tourist you are always safe.God is calling us to stand with His people, to love them and comfort them.For such a time as this, it has never been more important that we stand united with Israel and lift the hands of God's chosen people. Today, 4 families have to go to the cemetery and bury their beloved, slaughtered only for being Jewish, something that happens over and over again. You can make a difference by being an encouragement to these precious people.This nation is the foundation for our Christian faith, this is where the forefathers, kings and prophets walked. What kind of testimony is it sending if we are not standing with the Jewish people?So, what started as a sunny day in Jerusalem turned into a day of complete heartbreak, horror, sorrow and disbelief. It's one of these days in the Jewish nation where it hurts to even breathe, and my heart, prayers and deepest condolences are going out to the families of these victims.There are too many families in this beloved country who have lost a loved one to terrorism.I have been to several funerals terror victims, and the despair is undescribable. It never, ever should be a reality that the Jewish people have to face … but yet here we are again. These are the names of the four innocent people who were murdered: Doris Yahbas, Rabbi Moshe Kravitsky, Lora Yitzhak and Menahem Yehezkel. May their memories forever be a blessing. Comfort, comfort my people.Jane Kiel is a Christian Zionist from Denmark who has made Israel her home. Now, she is a Jerusalem-based journalist striving to tell the truth about Israel on her social media channels. Learn more about Kiel.