The Oct. 7th horror continues to unfold - opinion

On October 7, 2023, Hamas-ISIS and Islamic Jihad terrorists attacked Israel, leading to severe violence and atrocities, sparking ongoing conflict.

 A scene from the October 7 massacre on Kibbutz Be'eri (photo credit: Aviv Abergel, Via Maariv)
A scene from the October 7 massacre on Kibbutz Be'eri
(photo credit: Aviv Abergel, Via Maariv)

On October 7, 2023, a portal opened up from hell and 3000 Hamas-ISIS and Islamic Jihad terrorists breached Israel savagely attacked nearly all of the Israeli communities near the fence into Gaza, and committed the worst atrocities against the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

They brought in enough cars, weapons, and equipment to fulfill their desire to "liberate Palestine" and to murder everyone they met and breach as deep into Israel as possible.

We all watched in disbelief and pure horror as it unfolded live.

I saw videos of terrorists driving in white pickup trucks in Sderot, a big city in Israel. I could hardly believe my eyes and my TV basically remained on non-stop for the next 9 months as I reported these atrocities to the whole world.To set the stage for what happened, I want to tell you about the Palestinian terrorists that were players in this horrible day. Hamas is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood and has huge support in the Muslim world, and also in Gaza, and among the Palestinians in the West Bank.

The latest Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research poll shows that 71% of Gazans support the Hamas atrocities of Oct. 7 and 56% expect Hamas to win the war. Some 62% of people in Gaza are happy about Hamas’s performance during the war, and 59% want Hamas to stay in power.

 Hamas Fighters 24 September 2023 (credit: REUTERS)
Hamas Fighters 24 September 2023 (credit: REUTERS)

That’s because they are Hamas and the terror group is also them. It’s interchangeable with them! You see, it was never about land, it's about a deep demonic hate and desire to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

That's why Hamas is so powerful and popular among the Arabs living in Gaza and also in the West Bank, they support them in their attempt to annihilate the Jewish state. Hamas had operatives throughout the West Bank carrying out horrendous terror attacks in recent years.

The IDF has arrested thousands of terrorists and terror suspects in the West Bank since October 7, nearly 1700 of them are affiliated with Hamas.

Hamas lies and propaganda spread by global media

That's also why soldiers found rockets, weapons, rocket launchers, and Adolph Hitler’s book, Mein Kampf in children's bedrooms in Gaza. Hamas is 100% in control of the Gaza Strip and they even have their mouthpiece who's sharing all of their lies and propaganda, it's called Al Jazeera.

But it’s simply unbelievable that governments around the world and mainstream media have believed these lying terrorists for 9 months when it comes to news out of Gaza, especially regarding the “death toll" coming from the health ministry aka Hamas which is highly exaggerated.

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Of course, they never shared that 14,000 of the people on the death toll list are terrorists killed by the Israeli military.

In the same way, rhetoric is highly exaggerated regarding starvation and famine inside the Gaza Strip. Did you know that more aid trucks are now coming into Gaza after October 7 than before October 7?

But the same mainstream media was blatant about sharing lies from Hamas that Israel had attacked a hospital, when in fact it was a malfunctioning rocket fired by Islamic Jihad that fell inside Gaza and landed in a parking lot, not the hospital.

Or lies that the IDF attacked people waiting in line at aid trucks.

These vicious lies and propaganda of genocide from Hamas, along with Israel haters spread like wildfire in mainstream media around the world, and on social media. People worldwide don't hear the truth and believe the false narratives, and some took to the streets and other places to demonstrate and scream about genocide, occupation, and death in Israel.  

In contrast, the truth is, that Hamas has tirelessly labored to fulfill the goal in their charter, which calls for the annihilation of Israel. I can’t make this up, look for yourselves! Hamas has tried repeatedly to commit genocide carry out the worst of atrocities and commit war crimes. Hamas have announced that they will attack Israel again. The daily barrage of rocket attacks from Gaza continues.

Israel has no choice but to cut the head of the snake, to finish them off.

You cannot live with a genocidal enemy on your doorstep, trying to beat down your door.  Because Israel is committed to stopping Hamas, some of the Hamas leaders fled like cowards living in luxury as multimillionaires in Qatar.

While they live in relative ease, the foot soldiers continue to fight in Gaza. Even now after 9 months, the IAF struck terrorists who operated from UNRWA schools in the area of Gaza City- the "Alqahirah” School in Al-Furqan and the "Musa" School in Daraj Tuffah.

The schools were used as hideouts for terrorists and as part of the operational infrastructure for Hamas, from which its operatives planned, directed, and carried out numerous terror attacks against IDF troops operating in the Gaza Strip.

In the beginning of July, terrorists in Gaza launched approximately 40 projectiles toward Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip. The IDF struck terror targets in the area from which the projectiles were fired, including a weapons storage facility, operations centers, and additional terrorist infrastructure sites.

As part of operational searches of civilian structures converted into terrorist infrastructure, the soldiers raided a UN school that the terrorists of the Shejaiya Battalion were using as a hideout and a warehouse.

The troops discovered dozens of weapons, grenades, and valuable intelligence documents. Additionally, the soldiers located a terrorist war room in a medical clinic containing communications devices, enemy documents, and observation devices.

I wonder if your mainstream media continues to boldly share this false information about the highly exaggerated numbers of deaths in Gaza, about alleged starvation, or about the lack of aid Israel is accused of creating?

What about the daily news updates from the IDF that show the reality of how the Israeli Defense Forces continue to fight thousands of terrorists who are embedded throughout the entire Gaza Strip? Are they truly sharing how Hamas built an entire city of tunnels below the Gaza Strip for its nefarious intentions?

But let me focus on the key issues: Israel was brutally assaulted on October 7 when approximately 1200 people were sodomized, beaten, tortured, mutilated, gang raped, and burned alive and 251 innocent civilians and soldiers were taken hostage in the Gaza Strip to the loud cheers of civilians inside Gaza who are also involved in holding many of the hostages.

Israel is fighting a just war that was put upon us when Hamas broke an existing cease-fire and attacked us viciously on October 7.  The cost of this war includes the loss of more than 600 soldiers who have been killed since October 7 and thousands upon thousands of soldiers have been severely injured, losing arms and legs, hands and feet to bobby-trapped homes, tunnels, doors, and even public places.

Funeral upon funeral upon funeral upon funeral keeps score of this terrible price Israel pays to protect her people, and even today the IDF announced the death of 2 more soldiers.

Have you stopped just for a minute and thought about all the families in Israel that are affected by this war, all the families where dad is not home because he's fighting these monsters in Gaza? Or Mommy is there alone with all the children every single day, taking care of an entire household while not knowing if their husband and father will come home alive?

Hundreds of families have already heard the knock on the door by the IDF being notified that their beloved was killed in action. How many children are without a father, how many children are without a mom or dad because both of them were murdered on October 7, and many families were wiped out completely on October 7?

Thousands of soldiers are returning from Gaza with PTSD, and more than 10,000 reservists have asked for mental health services, according to Nifgashim, a social movement that works to provide comprehensive mental health support to reservists.

Did you know that some of these Hamas monsters who were captured inside Gaza had treatment in Israeli hospitals, something I still can't comprehend, it's an insult to all of the victims they massacred.

Did you know that there has been no war and no army doing more to avoid civilian casualties than what the IDF is doing inside Gaza? What about hearing that the Israeli military brought incubators, food, water, generators, and supplies to hospitals inside Gaza, even though Hamas used those hospitals as their command centers?

Did you know that before the Israeli military attacked certain areas they warned all of the civilians to evacuate and even gave them maps of safe routes for passage?

There was an Israel before October 7 and there is an Israel after October 7, and right now, it's an ongoing trauma and there is simply no escape.

As you all know, Israel is at war on numerous fronts and everything is heating up in the north, where we are actually expecting a major war to break out at any given moment.

Let me end by saying this, while the world is so much focused on all of the “innocent civilians" inside Gaza – well I say there is not a whole lot of them.

Most of them are 100% in support of Hamas and their genocide towards Israel and the war crimes they have committed against the Jewish people. They were cheering on these barbaric butchers when the October onslaught happened.

Many of them took part in the looting of houses in Israel and the kidnapping of Israeli civilians, and today many of the influential families, doctors, and journalists are known to be holding Israeli hostages in their homes; some of which are being used as maids for cooking and cleaning while they are being starved.

The minute you do that you are no longer an “innocent civilian;” you are a part of this bloodthirsty terror organization of Hamas. Wearing civilian clothes does not cover the fact that in your heart, you are just as much a Hamas terrorist as those running around in uniforms and you are legally a target for the IDF.

This war forced on Israel, you and I need to stand on the right side of history and support God's Holy Land for such a time as this.

You cannot stay silent. Not acting or speaking up is taking the side of evil after the onslaught on Israel on October 7, which began this horrific, bloody war.

Please join me as united we stand with Israel.