The web version of Apple Maps, first introduced in July, was recently upgraded to support "Look Around," its equivalent to Google Street View. This feature, already long available on iOS devices, allows users to experience high-resolution views of streets, restaurants, shops, points of interest, and more in supported cities. Now, even non-Apple users can enjoy this feature through the browser-based (web) version of Apple Maps. Click here to visit the site.
What does this mean? "Look Around" enables a “virtual walk” through city streets worldwide at eye level. It is particularly useful for finding specific locations, navigating unfamiliar areas, and planning travel routes in places across the globe. However, it’s important to note: the web version of Apple Maps is still in beta, meaning bugs may occur. Nevertheless, it works well and is compatible with popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
The new version can display cities in the United States, along with countries such as Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Singapore, London – and Israel. The full list can be found here.