The Adventures of Srauka the Hedgehog is a new initiative where children receive a monthly personalized letter from an amusing and adventurous hedgehog—a pen pal—on a long journey around the world. During his travels, the hedgehog sends meticulously crafted letters with stunning illustrations, sharing fascinating experiences, tales of new friends he meets, and insights into the cultures and traditions of each place he visits. The letters include entertaining stories, stickers, souvenirs, postcards, and more. The first letter also comes with a large world map and marker stickers to track his journey.
The idea behind the project is to craft an engaging, ongoing story that inspires "the screen generation" to develop a passion for the written word and a love for letters, just as we used to send in the past. Additionally, it aims to strengthen reading, writing, and expression skills, foster social abilities like acceptance of others, and nurture a natural curiosity for experiences, animals, and the adventures our planet offers.
All letters are punctuated and tailored for early readers. Once children receive their letter, they can reply to the hedgehog and receive a personal response. The replies are always supportive, positive, and encourage dialogue.
An Idea Born During the Pandemic
"Jacobella on a Treasure Hunt" is another new story in the project. Jacobella, a clever and curious squirrel, also a pen pal, embarks on a journey to uncover a mysterious treasure. She sends children personalized letters in a "treasure hunt" style, containing riddles, souvenirs, and postcards for creating a personal travel journal. The stories are punctuated, designed for early readers, and teach about the nature and geography of the countries she visits. The countries Jacobella explores do not overlap with those in Srauka the Hedgehog's journey.
"The hedgehog that changed our lives was born during the pandemic," says the project’s founder, Yonatan Troim. "When our previous business, which organized children's festivals, came to a halt due to lockdowns, we looked for a way to deliver a unique, quality family experience directly to children at home. We gathered a variety of stories we had told our children over the years—some were family tales from my own childhood, others were our inventions, and some were ideas our children created.
"We wove all these stories into one big adventure featuring a cute and innocent hedgehog who writes letters to his friends, inviting them to fascinating experiences. In an era where many, even children, experience loneliness, Srauka the Hedgehog brings warmth, friendship, and love. He is kind-hearted and reflects values we feel are sometimes lost in today’s world. Through Srauka's letters and adventures, we hope to give children a sense of belonging, trust in friendships, and hope. Srauka represents the power of optimism, generosity, and the ability to see the good in every situation—messages we believe are more important than ever.
"We are constantly looking for ways to diversify and spark children’s curiosity. The letters, illustrations, stickers, postcards, and souvenirs we send are the result of hard work, with an emphasis on originality and uncompromising quality, in collaboration with educational consultants."
Recommended Ages:
Srauka the Hedgehog: Ages 4-8
Jacobella the Squirrel: Ages 6-9
The letters are sent within Israel and can also be delivered abroad:
- Monthly subscription: NIS 45
- Half-year subscription: NIS 245
- Annual subscription: NIS 439
Details available on the website.