Wall being built in area surrounding Metula, according to Israel Radio; IDF: We are working to improve security situation.
The IDF is planning on building new security infrastructure along the the northern border, in coordination with UNIFIL and the Lebanese armed forces.The move will be made "in order to improve the security situation in the region and to reduce tension," the IDF Spokesman's Office stated on Monday.Metula is one of the northernmost points in Israel, sitting just six kilometers from the Lebanese border. Its population, number approximately 1,500, is mostly Jewish.According to Israel Radio, the IDF is building a new security wall along the Lebanese border in the Metula region. The wall will be more than a kilometer long and a few meters high. The purpose of the wall is to prevent gun fire on the city of Metula from Lebanese villages.The building of the wall is expected to last weeks, according to Israel Radio.Periodic IDF work along the border with Lebanon often raises tensions with Beirut. A reserve battalion commander was killed in 2010 and another soldier was seriously wounded when a Lebanese sniper shot at an IDF force conducting routine maintenance work along the border.During the Second Lebanon War, Metula suffered from rocket and gun fire from Lebanon, resulting in the injury and deaths of residents.