Antisemitic pickup artist 'Roosh V' announces meetup in Washington

Controversial pickup artist-turned alt-right figure "Roosh V" gained media notoriety in 2016 when he attempted to host a series of worldwide meetups.

Misogynist blogger Daryush Valizadeh announces June 16, 2018 meetup for his followers in Washington, DC. (YouTube/Roosh V)
Daryush Valizadeh is at it again.
More commonly known as "Roosh V," the controversial pickup artist-turned alt-right figure gained media notoriety in 2016 when he attempted to host a series of worldwide meetups to promote "neomasculinity." Last week, Valizadeh announced he will be hosting a happy hour in Washington, DC, on Saturday.
This time, however, Valizadeh, who has made a career of writing misogynistic rants as well as pickup guide books for men, has decided to call his meetup the "Stop Violence Against Women Happy Hour."
The event is intended for "human beings of all gender identities to discuss ways that the patriarchy is hurting women," he wrote in his announcement.
Valizadeh, an author and blogger originally from the DC metro area, ended up canceling his 2016 event after outrage over a blog post he wrote in which he made the case for "legal rape" on private property. He has since said the post was meant as satire.
In recent years, Valizadeh has expanded his sphere of interest: Not only are feminism and "female entitlement" threats to western civilization, but so are leftists, Muslim immigrants to the United States, more traditional conservatives, and, of course, Jews.
Valizadeh wrote an antisemitic blog post in June 2017 titled "You Become What You Fight," in which he blames the Jews for "creating feminism."
"Who created feminism? Who pushes their ideas? The Jews," Valizadeh wrote. "They were crafty, intelligent, persistent, and masters of propaganda. Their negative influence on Western civilization must be countered."
He has published other antisemitic material as well.
Valizadeh, who says he is of Iranian and Armenian ancestry, also attended a conference by the National Policy Institute, a white supremacist think tank headed by alt-right leader Richard Spencer, in 2015.

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But the pickup artist listed in his code of conduct for Saturday's meetup that "This is not a 'white nationalist' or 'alt-right' gathering."
"Those of all races and ethnic backgrounds are encouraged to attend," he wrote. "You will be asked to leave if you bring Nazi paraphernalia, perform Nazi salutes, or engage in any other 'false flag' behavior that is meant to make the group look bad."
Valizadeh did not respond to a Jerusalem Post request for comment.