Neo-Nazis perform salute in front of Adelaide Holocaust Museum

The salute is a "call to murder," said the Anti-Defamation Commission.

 The Australian flag (Illustrative). (photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The Australian flag (Illustrative).
(photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Neo-Nazis were caught performing a Nazi salute in front of the Adelaide Holocaust Museum, captured in a closed-circuit television camera, ABC reported on Friday.

The salute is a "call to murder," said the Jewish-Australian organization Anti-Defamation Commission.

Dvir Abramovich, the commission's chair, told ABC Radio in Australia that "if they had their way these individuals would lead people like me into the gas chambers."

"If they had their way these individuals would lead people like me into the gas chambers."

Dvir Abramovich, chair of Australias Anti-Defamation Commission

The museum was the recent target of an antisemitic sticker last week, according to the report.

Not the only recent antisemitic incident in Adelaide

Last week, an article that was published in the Adelaide University student magazine declared "death to Israel."

 Andrew at the Adelaide Holocaust Museum (credit:  Adelaide Holocaust Museum )
Andrew at the Adelaide Holocaust Museum (credit: Adelaide Holocaust Museum )

In response, the Australasian Union of Jewish Students demanded that the university take action against the publication.

Michael Starr contributed to this report.