Controversial Oct. 7 yearbook quote spurs school to apologize and investigate incident

A yearbook entry quoting a student expressing happiness over a Hamas attack prompted Glenbrook High School to apologize and launch an investigation.

 Image of books. Uploaded on 29/5/2024 (photo credit: FLICKR/CHRISTOPHER)
Image of books. Uploaded on 29/5/2024
(photo credit: FLICKR/CHRISTOPHER)

After the controversy broke over a yearbook entry in which an Illinois student recalled being happy on October 7, Glenbrook South High School apologized on Friday and promised to conduct an investigation.

In a picture of the page published by NGO Stop Antisemitism on Friday, alongside a 2023-2024 yearbook current events piece on Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, a Palestinian student was quoted as saying, “The first day, I woke up and saw what Palestine did, and I was happy because they’re finally defending themselves.”

“In my opinion, it isn’t a war, considering this has been going on for 75 years,” said the student. “The fact that the whole world only saw that [the attack] instead of focusing on the past...makes me sad because it’s my home country. It’s important [to speak up] because...thousands of people are dying every day. Just be aware and educate yourself.”

On Friday, after receiving a “tremendous” number of inquiries about the yearbook, the high school and School District 225 said in a statement that the yearbook quote did not represent their views, and they expressed “profound regret.”

School addresses yearbook controversy

 School kids playing with their tablets (credit: FLICKR)
School kids playing with their tablets (credit: FLICKR)

“The statements in the piece in no way represent the views of Glenbrook South or District 225. We recognize the feelings, fear, and pain related to the content in the yearbook, and we want to assure you that we are in conversation with many students, families, staff, and community members about this situation,” the statement said.

“We are committed to ensuring that all those impacted by the statements published in the yearbook feel safe and supported while at school.”
The school said that it began an investigation after it became aware of the problem on Thursday and that it was “exploring all options to remedy this deeply offensive and regrettable situation.”
Stop Antisemitism asked on social media on Friday, “What is this child being taught at home, and what poison is she spreading to her classmates?”