Take Action for Israel: Pro-Israel American student leaders learn to combat campus antisemitism

The Take Action for Israel mission represents a significant milestone in the ongoing battle against antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment.

 The Take Action for Israel delegation outside the Knesset. (photo credit: Courtesy)
The Take Action for Israel delegation outside the Knesset.
(photo credit: Courtesy)

Over 40 students, on two separate missions to Israel representing over 30 top North America institutions – such as UCLA, Columbia University, the University of Michigan, the University of Texas, UC Berkeley, Rutgers, and the University of Maryland – joined forces to “take action for Israel” in response to the alarming surge of antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment pervading North American campuses. Motivated by their experiences of recent escalations in antisemitic incidents on campus, they sought to equip themselves with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to confront and counter anti-Israel narratives in their academic environments.

Michael Eglash, strategic adviser for Take Action for Israel, underscored the importance of these immersive pro-Israel activist visits. “We selected pro-Israel leaders for these trips based on their campus activism throughout the past year and their commitment to advocating for Israel upon their return to universities in the fall. They will utilize the knowledge and strategies gained from this trip to educate fellow students and confront antisemitism head-on.”

The two pro-Israel student trips (in May and June) couldn’t come at a more critical time. With antisemitism on the rise and discourse growing increasingly polarized and aggressive, Jewish student leaders recognize the urgency of standing up for Israel and opposing hatred, hostility, and discrimination which has led to a growing sense of fear and insecurity among many Jewish communities on campuses across North America.

The Take Action for Israel mission seeks to address these specific challenges head-on by empowering Jewish student leaders. One of the primary objectives of the mission is to provide students with the tools they need to effectively counter misinformation and propaganda on their campuses. By arming themselves with accurate information and compelling narratives, students can challenge stereotypes and misconceptions about Israel, fostering a more informed and constructive dialogue on campus, enabling them to combat antisemitism and anti-Israel propaganda effectively.

The mission also aims to cultivate a sense of solidarity and unity among Jewish student leaders, fostering connections and collaboration across different campuses and communities. By coming together in support of Israel, students send a powerful message of resilience and determination, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to defending the rights and dignity of the Jewish people, and affirming their commitment to building a better future for themselves and generations to come.

 The delegation meets incoming Israeli ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon. (credit: Courtesy)
The delegation meets incoming Israeli ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon. (credit: Courtesy)

Jack Landstein from the University of Michigan spoke of the importance of expanding his “Israel toolkit” to counter antisemitic rhetoric and protect Jewish peers: “It means a lot to me to be participating in the Take Action for Israel Hasbara Fellowship trip to Israel. With the rise of antisemitism after October 7, I felt it was imperative that I visit and expand my own “Israel toolkit” so that I can share the truth about Israel and counter antisemitic rhetoric to better protect other Jewish students on campus.”

Sponsored by Hasbara Fellowships and IsraelAmbassadors.com, the delegation’s all-encompassing itinerary was designed to provide students with firsthand insights into the aftermath of the October 7 massacre, acquaint them with the stories of the victims, and provide them with opportunities to speak to the emerging heroes. From engaging with high-level Israeli officials and IDF soldiers to speaking with hostage families and visiting communities affected by terrorism, the students immersed themselves in a comprehensive understanding of Israel’s reality.

Reflecting on the purpose of their mission, Josh Shain of Columbia University expressed his concerns about the safety of Jewish students on his campus and his hope that the visit to Israel would provide him with the tools to combat misinformation effectively. He said, “I am scared for the future of my university because of the recent events on campus. Students no longer feel safe. I hope that this visit to Israel gives me the tools to share the truth with those on campus who defend mass rape and murder, and who are uninformed or misinformed about events in Israel.”

Alexandra Ahdoot from North Carolina’s Duke University said, “The activities I experienced on campus, from anti-Israel graffiti such as ‘We love Hamas’ to protesters yelling at us that we are white colonizers, baby killers, genocide supporters, is threatening and also hurtful. I am the daughter of Iranian immigrants who had to flee because of the Islamic regime’s religious persecution, yet there are now students on my campus yelling in my and my friends’ faces using the exact same language that these extremists have used for years to call for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people. I feel that if I’m not in Israel serving in the IDF, the least I could do in America is be the strongest voice on campus on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Visiting Israel

Upon their arrival in Israel, the students were greeted by MK Danny Danon, incoming ambassador to the United Nations. Danon commended the students for their commitment to standing up against antisemitism and emphasized the significance of their advocacy efforts in shaping perceptions of Israel on North American campuses.

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During their stay, the students had the opportunity to engage with various segments of Israeli society, such as families displaced due to security threats in the North and the South, and survivors of the October 7 massacre. They visited Kibbutz Nir Oz in the South and observed the destruction caused by the massacre, including the home of the Bibas family, all of whom are still being held hostage in Gaza.

They walked through the site of the Supernova music festival, which deeply resonated with the students, as many who were murdered there were of a similar age. In the South, they also visited Sderot, a city that has been bombarded by rockets for years. They saw detailed security footage and spoke with police officers and ambulance drivers who heroically saved many lives on October 7 as terrorists invaded their hometown.

Their interactions with these individuals and families provided profound insights into the human impact of the ongoing conflict and reinforced their commitment to advocating for Israel’s right to exist in peace and security.

One of the pivotal moments of the mission was a special hearing on antisemitism on US campuses, hosted at Israel’s Knesset. Led by MK Danny Danon, the students participated in a dialogue aimed at strategizing effective responses to campus antisemitism and misinformation campaigns. This session served as a platform for students from the US and Canada to share their experiences and brainstorm solutions to combat hate and discrimination.

Danon told the students, “We deeply appreciate your commitment to standing up for Israel and opposing antisemitism on campus. It’s essential for emerging leaders like yourselves to see and hear firsthand the realities faced by the people of Israel. Your experiences will be instrumental in advocating for Israel and spreading awareness when you return home.”

In a moment that bridged history, the students felt privileged to meet with Jewish hero Natan Sharansky. With quiet intensity, Sharansky spoke of his own journey and his courage in the face of tyranny against an empire that sought to eradicate Jewish identity. Through his narrative, the students recognized another hero who embodied the spirit and determination of the people of Israel that they had had the opportunity to speak to during their visit to Israel.

Jasob Deibner from the University of Texas said, “It was an honor to meet with Natan Sharansky. I gleaned from him the importance of the Jewish state and Zionism. Natan understood the importance of a Jewish state. Just like his great generation, it is now our turn to push the Zionist spirit. We now need to be the ones to advocate for the safety and security of our ancestral homeland. Natan helped to remind me that the fight for our nation is in every Jew’s hands worldwide.”

As the mission drew to a close, the students visited Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust memorial, led by Yad Vashem Chairman Dani Dayan. There, they heard about his concerted efforts to educate and encourage university presidents and provosts to condemn Hamas, and to support Jewish students and their visits to Israel to bear witness firsthand. Armed with newfound insights from Dayan and strengthened resolve, they will return to North America ready to continue their fight against bigotry and misinformation on campus.

The Take Action for Israel mission represents a significant milestone in the ongoing battle against antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment. By empowering student leaders with the knowledge and tools to confront hate and discrimination, this initiative aims to foster a more respectful campus environment where all students can thrive. In the words of Josh Shain from Columbia University, the mission has transformed them from students into activists, united in their commitment to defending Israel’s right to exist and thrive.

Alan Levine, executive director of Hasbara Fellowships, highlighted the significance of solidarity with Israel at this critical juncture. He stressed the importance of supporting Israel as it faces multiple challenges on its borders while also combating global antisemitism. He said, “We have to recognize that we are all connected, and as Jewish students we need to come to Israel to educate ourselves and stand together in solidarity as we prepare to fight back on our campuses next school year.”

For these Jewish students, this trip is not just an educational experience; it’s a statement of solidarity and a commitment to fighting back against hatred and misinformation. This visit underscores the unwavering commitment of Jewish student leaders to stand up for Israel and oppose hatred in all its forms.

The Take Action for Israel mission represents a beacon of hope and solidarity in a time of uncertainty and unrest. As Jewish student leaders unite to stand with Israel, they send a powerful message to the world: They will not be silenced, they will not be intimidated, and they will continue to fight for truth and justice.

As they continue their advocacy efforts on campus, they carry with them the lessons and experiences gained during their time in Israel, ensuring that the voices of truth and reason prevail in the face of hatred and ignorance.■