A leading UK Jewish group slammed the Green Party of England and Wales after it adopted guidance that includes multiple, contradictory definitions of antisemitism, the Algemeiner reported.
The Green Party, which outspokenly supports the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel, passed the resolution at their recent Autumn Conference. The guidance includes both the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition in addition to the Jerusalem Declaration.
The JDA was introduced as an alternative definition to the IHRA definition. The two definitions have contradictions and disagreements with one another.
The resolution marks the first time the Green Party has formally adopted guidance on antisemitism.
On Monday, Board of Deputies of British Jews Vice President Amanda Bowman reportedly condemned the party’s adoption of the various definitions.
“By adopting a series of contradictory definitions of antisemitism, the Green Party has not helped Jews,” she said.
The resolution was proposed by Joshua Alston, who stated that the motion would "put us at the vanguard of the fight against antisemitism, and at the vanguard of the fight against the global far-right while protecting our pro-Palestinian policy," Left Foot Forward reported.