Hate crime complaint filed against protesters shouting ‘Jews Are Our Dogs’

The protest, which took place in the Canadian city Mississauga, was held in response to Israel's announcement of the annexation of parts of the West Bank.

The flags of Israel and Canada (photo credit: REUTERS)
The flags of Israel and Canada
(photo credit: REUTERS)
B’nai Brith Canada has filed a complaint against an anti-Israel protest which took place on July 4, in which several antisemitic comments were made, The Algemeiner reported.
The protest, which took place in the Canadian city Mississauga, was held in response to Israel's announcement of the annexation of parts of the West Bank, though according to the complaint, it had developed into antisemitic remarks.
Slogans such as “Palestine is our country, and the Jews are our dogs” and promises to “sacrifice our soul and blood for Palestine” as well as “martyrs by the millions, march to Jerusalem” could be heard being shouted in Arabic during the protest.
“The display of antisemitism in Canada’s public squares is totally unacceptable. Opposition to Israeli policy can never be used as an excuse to demean Jews as ‘dogs’ or to threaten violence against them." Said Michael Mostyn, chief executive officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “We have reached out to the high school attended by one of the rally’s organizers, and hope to visit at an appropriate time in order to educate students about the dark places to which rhetoric of this sort can lead."
This is not the first time antisemitic incidents have taken place in Mississauga. In 2019, a B’nai Brith Canada investigation revealed that a local Polish-language newspaper Goniec accused Jews of having "terrorism in their blood" and urges readers to "stand up to the Jews" in response to fabricated attempts to destroy Poland. It echoed warnings of Jewish control over the Polish government.