Posters of Netanyahu with Hitler mustache, 'war criminal' in Australia

Large-scale anti-Netanyahu demonstrations in Israel have “legitimized” attacks against Netanyahu abroad. But it won’t stop with Netanyahu, nor did it start with him.

A POSTER at a busy Melbourne intersection depicts Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as Hitler. (photo credit: Courtesy)
A POSTER at a busy Melbourne intersection depicts Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as Hitler.
(photo credit: Courtesy)
Even his worst Israeli enemies and detractors would be horrified if visiting Melbourne, Australia, to see posters of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bearing a Hitler-style moustache and labeled war criminal.
This is just one example of where hatred and incitement can lead. Large-scale anti-Netanyahu demonstrations in Israel have “legitimized” attacks against Netanyahu abroad. But it won’t stop with Netanyahu, nor did it start with him. 
Dvir Abramovich, chairman of the Anti-Defamation Commission, sends out daily bulletins of antisemitic incidents in Melbourne, though the photograph of the anti-Netanyahu poster taken on the corner of St. Kilda and Dandenong roads was sent by someone else.
Although Abramovich is given a platform on both the print and electronic media to report on and condemn such incidents, as does the Australian government, the incidents continue to increase despite generous contributions by members of the Jewish community to human rights organizations, the arts, academic institutions, hospitals, politics, environmental protection, journalism the legal profession and more.