Aaron Mostofsky, the pelt-wearing son of a Jewish judge, pleads guilty to Jan. 6 charges

Mostofsky is the son of Steven (Shlomo) Mostofsky, a Kings County (Brooklyn) Supreme Court Judge and former president of the National Council of Young Israel.

AARON MOSTOFSKY, a supporter of US President Donald Trump, takes a seat away from the action on the second floor of the US Capitol near the entrance to the Senate after breaching security defenses last week. (photo credit: MIKE THEILER/REUTERS)
AARON MOSTOFSKY, a supporter of US President Donald Trump, takes a seat away from the action on the second floor of the US Capitol near the entrance to the Senate after breaching security defenses last week.
(photo credit: MIKE THEILER/REUTERS)

Aaron Mostofsky, the Jewish judge’s son who wore fur pelts and a bulletproof vest when he entered the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, pleaded guilty in a federal court Wednesday to civil disorder, theft of government property and entering and remaining in a restricted building, NBC News reported.

Prosecutors dropped the most serious charge of interfering in an official proceeding. The civil disorder charge is a felony and has a maximum sentence of five years, although many of the 200 or so people convicted so far in the Jan. 6 insurrection have received minimal sentences. Mostofsky will be sentenced in May.

Mostofsky is the son of Steven (Shlomo) Mostofsky, a Kings County (Brooklyn) Supreme Court Judge and former president of the National Council of Young Israel, an Orthodox synagogue association. NCYI has been outspokenly pro-Trump in the past.

 A mob of supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump fight with members of law enforcement at a door they broke open as they storm the US Capitol Building in Washington, US, January 6, 2021.  (credit: LEAH MILLIS/REUTERS)
A mob of supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump fight with members of law enforcement at a door they broke open as they storm the US Capitol Building in Washington, US, January 6, 2021. (credit: LEAH MILLIS/REUTERS)

Mostofsky’s brother, Nachman, who serves as executive director of Chovevei Zion, a politically conservative Orthodox Jewish advocacy organization, also attended the protests but he has said he left before the mob entered the Capitol.

The Jan. 6 rioters, heeding former President Donald Trump’s false claims that he won the election, sought to keep Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s win.