Mark Levenson emphasizes strong New Jersey-Israel business and cultural ties

Levenson shared his view of New Jersey's strategic role as an ideal hub for Israeli families and enterprises.

Mark Levenson, co-chair of the New Jersey Israel Commission, spoke about the deep connections between New Jersey and Israel during the 2024 Jerusalem Post Annual Conference.

Mark Levenson, co-chair of the New Jersey Israel Commission, spoke about the deep connections between New Jersey and Israel during the 2024 Jerusalem Post Annual Conference.

Levenson highlighted New Jersey as an ideal destination for Israeli families and businesses, stressing its strategic location, robust leadership, and enduring legacy of success and collaboration.

Levenson began by discussing New Jersey’s strategic location. Positioned on the East Coast, the state serves as a crucial hub for international business. Despite its relatively small size, New Jersey boasts extensive infrastructure, top-tier public schools, and world-renowned research universities.

“Our region is home to the strongest Jewish communities and largest Israeli ecosystems in the Diaspora,” he said. “There are more daily one-stop flights to the tri-state area from Tel Aviv than to any other US market.”

Next, Levenson addressed his leadership point, stating that “New Jersey has always been a trendsetter when it comes to creating and celebrating partnerships with the people of Israel.”

Successive governors including Phil Murphy, he said, have actively nurtured these ties, frequently visiting Israel to strengthen connections. Since its establishment in 1989, the New Jersey Israel Commission has played a pivotal role in supporting bilateral initiatives.

The state works closely with various economic development organizations to connect Israeli start-ups with local partners and investors. New Jersey’s dynamic Israeli tech landscape includes prominent companies such as Nice Corporation, Bluevine, and Teva. The recent opening of a Choose NJ office in Tel Aviv is yet another milestone in the state’s commitment to these partnerships, which are even further exemplified by other collaborative efforts between institutions like Ben-Gurion University and NJIT.

“Ultimately,” Levenson said, “we are building a legacy of success in our two states.

“Israel needs to know: your friends in New Jersey will always be there for you,” he later concluded, assuring attendees of New Jersey’s unwavering support and readiness to collaborate with Israel in various capacities.

New Jersey-Israel Commission sponsored a portion of the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference.