Iranian Jewish community launches Hebrew classes amid rising tensions

"Summer Hebrew classes will commence on June 23, welcoming children and teenagers at the Abdollahzadeh and Yousefabad centers," announced the Kilimian Society.

Iranian Jews celebrate Rosh Hashana last year at the Yusef Abad Synagogue in Tehran (photo credit: OLEKSANDR RUPETA / AFP)
Iranian Jews celebrate Rosh Hashana last year at the Yusef Abad Synagogue in Tehran
(photo credit: OLEKSANDR RUPETA / AFP)

Despite escalating hostilities between Iran and Israel, the Iranian Jewish community, led by the Kilimian Society, is promoting Hebrew learning for children and teenagers. In a message on Telegram on Tuesday, community leaders from the Kilimian Society urged members to embrace Hebrew learning, emphasizing its role in maintaining their cultural identity amidst turbulent times.

The region has witnessed heightened tensions in 2024, marked by Israeli airstrikes on Iranian military targets in Syria and subsequent retaliatory missile attacks on Israeli soil. These incidents have amplified international concerns about the potential for broader conflict.

"Summer Hebrew classes will commence on June 23, welcoming children and teenagers at the Abdollahzadeh and Yousefabad centers," announced the Kilimian Society. "Classes will be held on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m." The education covers a wide range of religious and cultural topics, with recreational outings organized throughout the duration of the classes. "Participation in these classes is free of charge," the message added.

 Iran flag and Israel flag (credit: Cottonbro Studio/Pexels)
Iran flag and Israel flag (credit: Cottonbro Studio/Pexels)

Iranian Jews: A resilient community

"Iranian Jews have a rich history spanning millennia, embodying resilience in preserving their cultural traditions," noted the Kilimian Society. Today, numbering approximately 8,500, Iranian Jews continue to uphold their traditions and cultural practices, navigating challenges with steadfast determination.