A documentary aired in France claims to prove the rumors that the fashion designer had ties to Nazi's, had affair with Gestapo officer.
A documentary aired in France this week on state-owned France 3 channel claims to have evidence proving fashion mogul Coco Chanel spied for the Nazis, according to the Daily Mail.Rumors of Chanel's involvement with the Nazis and her anti-Semitic views have previously been written about but the documentary solidifies what many people hesitated to believe. The documentary, titled L'Ombre d'un Doute (The Shadow of a Doubt), claims that Chanel had an affair with a senior Gestapo officer named Baron Hans Gunther von Dincklage around the year 1940 and became involved in helping Hitler during the years following the affair.Her code name during her work with Nazis was allegedly 'Westminster," and her official number under the Abwehr, Hitler's military intelligence organization, was F-7124, according to the documentary.The French Ministry of Defense had not previously released this number.The documentary, hosted by historian Franck Ferrand, also claimed that Chanel tried to reclaim her perfume business from a Jewish family which she had sold it to in 1924, using her Nazi ties.