Jewish Agency Chairman Herzog sent new year wishes to communities around the world.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFUpdated: SEPTEMBER 9, 2018 14:43 Isaac Herzog, the new head of the Jewish Agency.(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)
Right before the Jewish new year it's time to have a look at Jewish demographics around the world.The total number of Jews reached 14.7 million this year, slightly up from 14.6 million from last year. The increase can be traced to Jews living in Israel, which now stands at 6.6 million, up from 6.5 million, and which constitutes the biggest Jewish community per country. Israel counts an additional 400,000 Law-Of-Return citizens (who are not listed as Jews with the Civil Registration)The majority of the 8.1 million strong diaspora lives in the US (5.7 million). Canada has another 391,000 Jews.In Europe, France boasts the biggest number of Jews, counting 453,000 souls, before the UK's 290,000.The combined Jewish population in Arab and Muslim countries results in an estimated 27,000, of which 15,000 live in Turkey, 5,800 in Iran, 2,000 in Morocco and 1,000 in Tunisia.The statistics were provided by Professor Sergio Della Pergola from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and refer to all those who define themselves as Jews and do not identify themselves with any other religious community. According to this research, the number of people potentially eligible under the Law of Return amounts to 23.5 million.Jewish Agency Chairman, Isaac Herzog, sent Rosh Hashana wishes to all these communities around the globe in seven languages (English, French, Russian, Amharic, Spanish, Portuguese and Hungarian): “On this eve of Rosh Hashana, I would like to wish you - a year of individual expression along with understanding for the other, a year of personal fulfillment along with communal fraternity, a year of multiple voices as well as unity, a year of renewal while preserving what we have, a year of strengthening the bridge connecting the State of Israel and the Jews of the Diaspora. a year of connection to the Jewish story of each and every one of us, together. I extend my hand to all my sisters and brothers around the world, inviting you to join me in our common journey to shape Jewish identity. Shana Tova!”The largest Jewish communities: