The homepage featured a clip of marching Nazi SS officers, in addition to a swastika above the school's title. On another page, the hackers posted a picture of Hitler titled "Der Fuhrer Adolf Hitler," and changed the school's mission statement to read: "[At the] North Shore Concentration Camp... we believe in executing our Jews, not merely deporting them... we don't want our Jews to continue being rats so finally erasing them from this Earth is much preferred."The hackers referred to NSHA as representative of "The K*ke Race" on the website, writing "May Allah save your soul."Students received emails that contained a link to a page on the website titled "Field Trip to Auschwitz." The page demanded that students, as well as their guardians, identify themselves as Jews at an SS office, and the deadline was listed as January 1945. The hackers also sent out students' address and credit card information to the high school mailing list. Students also received threatening text messages, such as: "Thank you for helping us get credit score information of almost 50% of the population of Great Neck, wir mussen di juden ausrotten ('we must exterminate the Jews' in German) #OpIsrael" and "I SAW YOU READ THIS. YOU'RE NEXT I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE HEIL HITLER. #OPISRAEL."According to Reblaze Blog, OPIsrael is a hacktivist cyber organization that has annually launched cyberattacks against the Israeli government and private Israeli organizations since 2013. The attacks occur every year around April 7th. The blog claims that anyone Israeli with a website is a target. Attacks vary from site deformation to vulnerability exploit, so OPIsrael could lead to devastatingly dangerous results depending on the attack. The school's website now reads: “Under construction. Please check back soon.” Headmaster Daniel Vitow told The New York Post: “We are aware of the situation and are actively working with law enforcement.”"We can't access classes online because our codes are on the website, so the school cancelled classes today," an NSHAHS student said. "The hackers took over everything, so they're trying to fix the computer system. They also took over the parent portal system, and Google classes got hacked, which allowed them to write things like "f*ck all Jews" in the classroom." The hackers allegedly also wrote "f*ck all n*ggers." The student added: "One of the girls said the credit card information they sent out was inaccurate to her information. Somebody also made a pro-Jewish Tik Tok about what happened, but apparently it was taken down by the app. Some kids are definitely scared, but mostly, everyone is just disgusted by it."HAPPENING NOW - a Hebrew Academy in Great Neck (Long Island), NY is being hacked!Nazi songs, imagery, messages continue to be posted. They have also leaked students' and teachers' addresses and credit card information.@NassauCountyPD @GNVFDChief@GreatNeckPatch
— (@StopAntisemites) December 14, 2020