Police announce arrest of fifth suspect in yeshiva student's murder

Police tape. (photo credit: REUTERS)
Police tape.
(photo credit: REUTERS)

The Denver Police Department announced on Thursday the arrest of the fifth suspect in the murder of a local yeshiva student.

Samuel Fussell, 19, was arrested in Greeley, Colorado, for the August 17 murder of 18-year-old Shmuel Silverberg in Denver.

Silverberg was shot outside Yeshiva Toras Chaim as he was walking inside the building.

yeshiva students  (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH 90)
yeshiva students (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH 90)

The Greeley Police Department said they had "actionable information" that Fussell was in the area, and he was arrested in a high-risk traffic stop as he was entering a vehicle. Fussell and two females were taken into custody and brought to Denver.

Fussell was one of five men who police say allegedly went on a violent August 17 crime spree that eventually culminated in the murder of Silverberg. The four other suspects are Isaiah Freeman, 18; Seth Larhode, 21; Aden Sides, 18; and Noah Loepp-Hall, 19.

Agudath Israel of America called Silverberg's murder "a tragedy for Jewish communities everywhere" and praised law enforcement for keeping close contact with the city's Jewish community.