Portuguese Jewish community donates film profits to Israeli food bank

The film was developed as part of an interfaith project, in conjunction with the Catholic Diocese of Porto, to fight antisemitism in the country.

Bishop Manuel Linda and Porto Jewish Community President Diaz Ben Zion embrace at an interfaith event, December 17, 2019.  (photo credit: SUPPLIED)
Bishop Manuel Linda and Porto Jewish Community President Diaz Ben Zion embrace at an interfaith event, December 17, 2019.
(photo credit: SUPPLIED)
The Jewish Community of Porto, Portugal, donated the proceeds of a locally-produced YouTube historical documentary covering centuries of the history of the Jews in Portugal to the Food Bank of Israel on Tuesday, in a bid to support Israeli Jews suffering amid the coronavirus pandemic and economic downturn, according to a press release from the Comunidade Israelita do Porto, which represents Jews in the city. 
The proceeds came from a Video On Demand film, available on YouTube, called The Light of Judah, which focuses on the history of Jews in Portugal and the city of Porto, covering from the Middle Ages to the Inquisition and to the modern day. 
Produced by Portuguese director Luís Ismael, the film portrays the historic relationship between Jews and Catholics throughout Portuguese history, and the most recent decision supported by successive Portuguese governments to provide citizenship to the ancestors of Portuguese Jews. 
The film was developed as part of an interfaith project, in conjunction with the Catholic Diocese of Porto, to fight antisemitism in the country, and received financial backing and support from Jewish philanthropic families as well as B'nai B'rith International.
Charles O. Kaufman, B'nai B'rith President, commended the film, saying that the "B'nai B'rith endorses its brothers' and sisters' stalwart efforts in Oporto to fight hunger in this beautiful city and Israel in the face of hardships associated with COVID-19."
He added that "the Jewish community in Porto is working in the tradition and spirit of emergency services in which our organization has engaged since its founding in 1843. We have proudly promoted and executed recent pandemic relief services throughout the world."
Gabriela Cantergi, a member of the  board of the Jewish community of Porto, said that "we are proud of the work that many people and organizations are doing around the world to remedy this pandemic situation and serve humanity and encourage others to help."