In the video, Six13 sing "Vehi She'amda," a short passage commonly cited in a melodic fashion during a Passover Seder, which refers to the role of God in saving the people of Israel from its enemies. It also features the band singing in different locations and Zoom.
In a statement on their Youtube video, the group said that "times like Passover are some of the hardest to be apart. But as we've learned over the course of generations, there is no separation or circumstance that can break the bond we share through our history, our tradition and our faith."In that same vein, we weren't about to let quarantines and social distance stop us from coming together in spirit, to do what we love and share this message of hope in song during these trying times. Know that even if you're alone, you're not alone."
Formed in 2003, Six13 is a six-voice group known for parodying contemporary pop songs while also adding Jewish themes and lyrics.They have also been known to produce original compositions, covers of classic Yiddish and Israeli songs, and modern pop hits using solely vocals combined with guitar effects, bass, drums and electronic music. Since their formation, the group has released seven albums and won many awards.