Gush Etzion project still needs the approval of the Defense Ministry.
The Gush Etzion Regional Council has signed a contract with a developer for an assisted-living facility that will be located in the Alon Shvut settlement.Council head Davidi Perl said that it would be the first assisted-living facility in Judea and Samaria.The project still needs the approval of the Defense Ministry.If all goes well with the permitting process, the council hopes that within two years, construction can start on 140 units for singles or couples on a 0.9-hectare (2.2-acre) tract, according to the council spokeswoman.A commercial center with a bank, a supermarket and other shops will be attached to the facility, Perl added.It is important to augment senior housing with easy access to facilities that can improve their quality of life, he said.The Gush Etzion region has some of the oldest settlements in Judea and Samaria, Davidi said, and housing its veteran residents is an issue that must soon be resolved.At present, the 450 Gush Etzion residents over the age of 65 make up only 2.9 percent of the region’s population, Davidi said.But that number will soon grow, he said. He added that he already knows seniors in Gush Etzion who would want to move to such a facility.“This is a milestone that will improve the lives of veteran residents,” he said.