PM on 9/11: We are still susceptible to terror attacks

Netanyahu says Islamic extremism, along with Iran, is threat to stability in Middle East; Livni: Attackers sent message to entire world.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu after Eilat attack 311 (photo credit: GPO / Avi Ohayon)
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu after Eilat attack 311
(photo credit: GPO / Avi Ohayon)
  Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday marked a decade since the terror attacks at The World Trade Center in New York and said "we have to remember that we are still susceptible to terror attacks throughout the world."
Netanyahu said at the beginning of the weekly cabinet meeting that Islamic extremism, along with Iran, is threat to all of us, the stability of the Middle East, Europe and the US.
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The prime minister warned that "the struggle is not over," and said "We must all unite, countries that aspire to life, certainly the democracies that cherish life, and act in concert against this blight."
President Shimon Peres sent a message to United States President Barack Obama expressing the solidarity of the president and people of Israel with the American people and the bereaved families in this time of remembrance.
Peres described the events of September 11, 2001, as the epitome of evil, and the symbol of the courage of the American people. Beyond the horrific human tragedy that resulted from the terrorist attacks, Peres noted that September 11 also served as a milestone in the collective war against terror headed by the United States, "with the aim of building a better and safer world for our children and grandchildren." Peres recalled that in the aftermath of September 11, America waged an uncompromising war on terror, culminating in the death of Osama bin Laden "and freeing the world of this scourge that threatened humanity, without losing sight of the freedom and the rights of Man." Peres lauded America as a nation that has strived to promote the well-being of humanity without seeking to dominate others.
"We are proud to be close friends and allies with the USA," he wrote.
"The people of Israel have shared in the joys of your nation and cried with you a decade ago on the day America was attacked. And today, we again bow our heads as America mourns its loss." Peres concluded his message by reiterating his trust in Obama's leadership and thanked him for his "outstanding contribution" in saving the lives of the members of Israel's delegation in Egypt at the most crucial moment.
The signing off of the message "with enormous appreciation" hints broadly at the extent to which Obama was personally involved in the rescue operation.
Opposition leader Tzipi Livni on Sunday commemorated the attacks by posting a message on her Facebook page in which she said "that the fanatics who carried them out intended not only to harm the United States, but to send a message to the entire world."

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"But in response to those horrific attacks, the United States sent a message too - one which Israel and the Israeli people not only understand but demonstrate on an almost daily basis," the message continued.
"The values which we hold so dear – freedom, democracy,peace, the sanctity of human life – are not something to be taken for granted,they are something worth fighting for, worth sacrificing for. Ten years ago, we were all called again to stand together to protect and advance our most cherished beliefs from those who seek to deny them. That remains our calling today," she said in the post.
Members of Knesset and families of the victims of the 9/11 terror attacks in New York commemorated the 10th anniversary of the attacks at a ceremony on Sunday afternoon at Israel’s 9/11 memorial, which is located in the Jerusalem Forest.
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, US Ambassador Dan Shapiro, and representatives from the police and fire departments commemorated the 2,980 people that were killed, including 343 police and firefighters who rushed to the scene.
Speaking at the ceremony,
Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon expressed his sympathy with the American people, saying that "Israel, which has unfortunately known all too well, the terrible price that terrorism inflicts upon individuals and society, stands with America in its continuing battle for Democracy and Freedom. Know that we are at you side as you defend the core values of our civilization and pursue, in righteous anger, those who would destroy our lives and our societies."
"We also know that you are by our side. Yesterday, we once again witnessed that in our hour of need, America is always ready to assist the State of Israel. The Government of Israel wishes to thank President Obama and all of the American officials who were involved in the bringing to safety of Israeli diplomats and their families from Cairo."
"Israelis and Americans mourn together the loss, share the pain and collectively continue to defend the future. A future, where those who crave life and freedom will triumph over those who seek death and destruction," the minister concluded.
The Israeli monument to the 9/11 terror attacks is the largest memorial outside of the US, and is designed as a billowing flag that turns into an eternal flame, etched with the names of the victims, including five Israelis who were killed, Alona Avraham, Daniel Mark Levin, Hagai Shefi, Leon Lebor, and Shai Levinhar. The monument was dedicated two years ago and was designed by Israeli artist Eliezer Weishoff.