Jerusalem Sovereignty over the “Holy Basin,” which Olmert said comprises 0.04% of the West Bank (approximately 2.2 would be delayed to a later stage. The issue would continue to be negotiated bilaterally between Israel and Palestine with the involvement of the United States, Saudi Arabia. Jordan and Egypt, but without the ability of these third parties to force an agreement on the parties.
Refugees • Israel would acknowledge the suffering of – but not responsibility for – Palestinian refugees (language is in the preamble). In parallel, there must also be a mention of Israeli (or Jewish) suffering.• Israel would take in 1,000 refugees per year for a period of 5 years on “humanitarian” grounds. In addition. programs of “family reunification” would continue. • Israel would contribute to the compensation of the refugees through the mechanism and based on suffering.• Not clear what the heads of damage for compensation would be, just that there would be no acknowledgment of responsibility for the refugees, and that compensation, and not restitution or return (apart from the 5,000), would be the only remedy.
Security • The “package” apparently made no mention of security.(A map was presented to Abu Mazen but he was not allowed to keep it.)