RELATED:China: Future center for Israeli renewable, water tech?Erdan, PA agree: Increase water cooperation“We rose 1 centimeter – that means we need about 475 more such days to fill the Kinneret,” Schor said. The Kinneret, he stresses, is only one of three main water sources – the other two are the mountain and the coastal aquifers. In total, the country is short about 2 billion cubic meters of water, an amount equivalent to the consumption of all the households in Israel for three years.“We are expecting a bit more rain, but the rain has not been as strong as we hoped it would be,” Schor said, noting that the winter season is already half over.“We must continue to conserve water and to use water with maximum efficiency.”
Despite rain, water crisis persists
Lake Kinneret's water level is 55 centimeters under the 213 meter red line, and a full 4.75 meters away from full capacity.
RELATED:China: Future center for Israeli renewable, water tech?Erdan, PA agree: Increase water cooperation“We rose 1 centimeter – that means we need about 475 more such days to fill the Kinneret,” Schor said. The Kinneret, he stresses, is only one of three main water sources – the other two are the mountain and the coastal aquifers. In total, the country is short about 2 billion cubic meters of water, an amount equivalent to the consumption of all the households in Israel for three years.“We are expecting a bit more rain, but the rain has not been as strong as we hoped it would be,” Schor said, noting that the winter season is already half over.“We must continue to conserve water and to use water with maximum efficiency.”