With an investment of roughly NIS 25.4m., the ministry now partially subsidizing 1.5m. 20-watt fluorescent bulbs.
As a young woman slurps a chocolate milkshake, the incandescent light bulb hanging above her simultaneously gulps down and swallows a heap of energy.The woman and her bulb are the stars of a new Energy and Water Ministry television commercial that accompanies the ministry’s campaign to entice consumers into buying heavily subsidized fluorescent bulbs in place of incandescent bulbs.With an investment of roughly NIS 25.4 million, the ministry is now partially subsidizing 1.5 million 20-watt fluorescent bulbs – with half a million packages of three bulbs for NIS 20.The compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs are being marketed by the Nisko company, which won the distribution tender and provides a two-year warranty on every bulb.CFLs are much preferable to incandescent bulbs, according to the ministry, as each bulb provides enormous consumer financial savings as well as energy savings of about 70 percent.More than 115 stores are participating in selling the bulbs, and a list of these stores can be found (in Hebrew) on the ministry’s website: http://energy.gov.il/About- TheOffice/SpeakerMessages/ Documents/NurutIsrael.pdf.