Experts that specialize in politics, science, education and sociology provide written opinions about subjects affecting Israel and Jews around the world. Experts weigh in on the important issues and provi... Read More
Whether in Gaza, the West Bank, or Tehran, Israel's Jihadist enemies wish to kill Jews because every such homicide is felt to be a sacred obligation.
The BDS campaign regards the ending of all trade and economic relations with Jews living in Judea and Samaria as just the “first step” in its campaign.
Israel’s abortion policy is an all-too-rare example of a compromise that gives both sides something important.
Sino-Indian ties are on firm footing in almost every dimension of diplomacy today.
The time has surely come for the civilized world to bite the bullet and take out Islamic State, as well as Russia's ploy for power over Ukraine.
Refusing help would be a slap in the face to Israel’s most loyal non-Jewish citizens.
The BDS campaign is set to swallow many more well-intended people into its Jew-hating vortex.
'King Lear''s Edmund is depicted as a villain and as someone who came into existence due to lust, that word which is much connected to Satan.
All-female medical team of Saudi women sends message to the West.
Yes, the coup d'état on June 30 systemically caused Egypt's crisis. Let's say it out loud, it was causation, systemic causation