‘Enjoy the present’

Dr. Eyal Winkler, director of the Plastic Surgery Department at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, travels once a year with a team of doctors to third world countries to perform surgeries on locals who would not otherwise receive such a level of medical care.

Eyal Winkler 521 (photo credit: courtesy)
Eyal Winkler 521
(photo credit: courtesy)
NAME: Eyal Winkler Profession: Department head, Plastic Surgery Unit, Sheba MEDICAL CENTER, TEL HASHOMER Age: 53 Birthplace: Israel Current residence: Tel Aviv
What issue gets you out of bed in the morning?
The love and passion for my profession, and my responsibility and commitment to my patients and staff.
What issue keeps you up at night?
In my case the question is really: how do I fall asleep at night? Occasionally I travel abroad mainly for the benefit of a good night’s sleep.
What’s the most difficult professional moment you’ve faced so far?
The most difficult moments are definitely those when you realize that all of your efforts dedicated to saving the life of a patient suffering from extensive burns have failed. The feeling is unbearable and it is even more so when it involves children.
If you were prime minister, what’s the first thing you would do?
I would expropriate the entire coastal strip for the benefit of the Israeli public. Additionally, I would cease all unaesthetic construction and strive to establish parks, swimming pools and reservations for the enjoyment of the citizens.
I would make sure that a grand park will be built in the Sde Dov area, rather than the towers planned to be built there in the near future. I would name it “Netanyahu Park” [after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu] as a legacy for future generations.

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Relive history, enjoy the present and take a glimpse at the future.