Star Catcher: Astrology for the week of JANUARY 3, 2014
TIP FOR THE WEEK: Take your time…think things through before making your final decision.
By MARALLYN BEN MOSHEStar galaxy nebula colourful 370(photo credit: UCLA/JPL-Caltech/NASA/Reuters)CAPRICORN (EARTH) DECEMBER 22-JANUARY 19You have a great deal on your mind and this is a perfect time for writing papers, meeting with important people who can help you professionally and for all forms of communication. You have the knowledge and ability and this week you will see a window of opportunity begin to open. Time spent with an old and dear friend will be just what you need to raise your spirits towards the end of the week.HINT: As much as you long for some quiet evenings at home, your busy schedule will keep you on the move for most of the week.AQUARIUS (AIR) JANUARY 20-FEBRUARY 18 The road is bumpy but the journey is well worth the momentary inconvenience.As time passes you will understand just how much you have learned and soon you will appreciate all that you have managed to accomplish. You are in a much better and stronger position now and when the time is right you will make your move. In the meantime try to take some time off to relax and enjoy yourself with close family and friends.HINT: A conversation with a sibling will turn out to be not only very interesting but very informative as well.PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19-MARCH 20This is a good week for setting aside a block of time in order to organize a meeting with a Capricorn who can help you professionally.Always the first to reach out and lend a helping hand, you find it extremely difficult to ask for help yourself. This person not only can help you but has been waiting for your call and together you will accomplish a great deal.Time spent at home is much more hectic these days and you will find it difficult to locate a quiet corner where you can think and work.HINT: The time has come for you to pamper yourself. After months of saving, you can afford it!
ARIES (FIRE) MARCH 21-APRIL 19 You find that as time progresses, you have little patience and are anxious to move forward immediately.Unfortunately that is not to be, so take a step back, breathe deeply and plan your next move. Tuesday and Wednesday are perfect days for taking care of personal business, be that banking or going out for a business lunch with your partner and/or mate. When speaking with an earth sign, pay close attention and when you are free write down the pertinent points.HINT: Young people look up to you. You make them feel important.TAURUS (EARTH) APRIL 20-MAY 20You continue putting in long hours and as the days go by all you dream of is locking the door, packing up and sitting on a sandy beach far away. Unfortunately that is not possible right now but you can take some mini trips during the winter months which will help you to get over the feeling of being a slave to your desk. Financially things continue to improve and soon you will be able to make a major purchase which has been on your mind for months.HINT: Socially you are not nearly as active as you would like, but this too will soon change for the better.GEMINI (AIR) MAY 21-JUNE 21This is definitely not the time for making any major purchases or finalizing any important changes in your life. Take a step back and count to ten. As the days progress you will be privy to some information which will make you very glad you were cautious now. Not every person who compliments you means what they are saying so don’t be swayed by a nice word and bright smile.HINT: Your relationship with a family member is far from ideal and this time it is up to you to begin building that bridge.CANCER (WATER) JUNE 22-JULY 22A great deal of effort is being spent on your relationship with your partner and/or mate these days. Unexpected expenses plus family dynamics may be putting an extra- ordinary amount of pressure on you both which is adding to the stress. As the sensitive, level-headed member of this relationship it will be up to you to take a deep breath and rather than aggravate the situation simply walk away. You will be amazed at how quickly things return to normal if you don’t add wood to the fire.HINT: The middle portion of this week is the best time for getting important work done.LEO (FIRE) JULY 23-AUGUST 22 When in doubt call your sibling and open your heart to him or her. Together you make an invincible team and the level of trust and understanding between you is enviable. Your financial situation has been rather troublesome over the past few weeks, but now things seem to be back on track and you can begin to breathe easily. That does not mean, however, that you can go out and break the bank!HINT: Children and youngsters love to be in your company as you not only treat them as equals, but you make everything interesting and fun.VIRGO (EARTH) AUGUST 23-SEPTEMBER 22When in doubt call your sibling and open your heart to him or her. Together you make an invincible team and the level of trust and understanding between you is enviable.Your financial situation has been rather troublesome over the past few weeks, but now things seem to be back on track and you can begin to breathe easily. That does not mean, however, that you can go out and break the bank!HINT: Children and youngsters love to be in your company as you not only treat them as equals, but you make everything interesting and fun.LIBRA (AIR) SEPTEMBER 23-OCTOBER 23Things are coming into focus as you continue to balance what you need and what you want. It has been a long and arduous journey but there is definitely a huge light at the end of the tunnel and you can be proud of a job extremely well done.Not only have you taken care of personal business but you are never too tired to reach out and help those who need you. Professionally, problems you faced are slowly but surely being solved as you continue to grow and expand your business.HINT: This is a good week for entertaining and inviting some special people over to your home.SCORPIO (WATER) OCTOBER 24-NOVEMBER 20For quite some time you have had the feeling that someone or something is holding you back and preventing you from achieving your goals. The truth is that there is something better on the way, so be patient and trust the process. When speaking with a person you come into contact with daily be as patient as possible. They really mean well and are doing their best to keep up with you.HINT: Money and finances are never far from your mind but the situation is improving and the cutbacks you made are making a real difference.SAGITTARIUS (FIRE) NOVEMBER 22-DECEMBER 21Financial pressures may cause you to be short-tempered and not as open and responsive as usual to your family. Rather than snap at your partner and/or mate, take a few moments to quietly explain the situation so that they understand. You will be pleasantly surprised by their reaction and words of encouragement and support. You know in the long run all will be well as you continue to follow the situation closely.HINT: Take some time this weekend to meet with your peers in order to relax and do a little brainstorming.