candidates on scale of 1 (bad for Israel) to 10 (good for Israel):Barak ObamaMitt Romney Sara PalinMike HuckabeeNewt Gingrich Ron PaulTim PawlentyHaley Barbour Rick SantorumJohn ThuneMitch DanielsMike PenceChris ChristieGary JohnsonDavid PetraeusRudy GiulianiBobby JindalMarco RubioRick PerryJim DeMintJeb BushJon HuntsmanScott BrownPaul RyanJohn BoltonJudd GreggBob McDonnell
The Israel Factor: The February 2011 questionnaire
Check out the questions we posed to our panelists!
candidates on scale of 1 (bad for Israel) to 10 (good for Israel):Barak ObamaMitt Romney Sara PalinMike HuckabeeNewt Gingrich Ron PaulTim PawlentyHaley Barbour Rick SantorumJohn ThuneMitch DanielsMike PenceChris ChristieGary JohnsonDavid PetraeusRudy GiulianiBobby JindalMarco RubioRick PerryJim DeMintJeb BushJon HuntsmanScott BrownPaul RyanJohn BoltonJudd GreggBob McDonnell