New cereal bar to be opened in Tel Aviv

The new shrine for cereal lovers will offer a large variety of cereals and tasty toppings, including Trix, Cap'n Crunch, Apple Jacks, Pop Tarts and many other all-time childhood favorites.

‘I REVERSED my usual eating patterns and started downing double bowls of cereal in the morning, seconds on everything at lunch, lots of chicken.’ (photo credit: TERREN IN VIRGINIA/FLICKR)
‘I REVERSED my usual eating patterns and started downing double bowls of cereal in the morning, seconds on everything at lunch, lots of chicken.’
Morning cereals have long since ceased to be a quick snack hastily consumed and washed down with coffee before rushing off to work. 
In fact, cereals are eaten during the day with or without milk - sometimes even straight out of the box. Some cereal enthusiasts have even go as far as adding odd toppings to upgrade the flavor. 
Overtime, this insatiable obsession with the randomly floating flakes in liquid has expanded beyond the confinements of the average cereal bowl as dozens of cereal bars popped out around the world.
The most famous of these is in London, "Cereal Killer Cafe" is renowned for its abundant selection of morning cereals 
coming in all shapes and artificially colored sizes. 
Until now, no dedicated eating place for cereals has ever been opened in Israel. 
The new cereal bar, "Lulu & Co.," is here to change it, according to Mako. 
Scheduled to open on Monday, the new shrine for cereal lovers will offer a large variety of cereals and tasty toppings, including Trix, Cap'n Crunch, Apple Jacks, Pop Tarts and many other all-time childhood favorites. 
The owners claim that every month new types of cereals will be added to the menu. The cereals themselves can be wedded to all kinds of toppings such as honey, hazelnut cream, salted caramel, Oreo cookies, gummy bear and even marshmallow. 
Unlike other cereal bars which offer personal size boxes of cereals with different milk types, Lulu & Co. will offer cereals in their classical form. 
Another unique addition to the cereal galore that Lulu & Co. promises is cereal based ice creams.

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Hopefully, despite the coronavirus outbreak, many Israelis will get a chance to refresh themselves with a cool bowl of cereals on a warm summer day at this new cereal temple.