New mothers should be aware of the fact that nursing their babies is good for their physical and emotional health.
By JUDY SIEGEL-ITZKOVICHA woman breastfeeding 370(photo credit: Thinkstock/Imagebank)
Although tension over the terrorist attacks could deter new mothers from nursing their babies, breastfeeding experts said Sunday that they need only patience to succeed and that doing so is good for both baby and mother.The Israel Association of Certified Lactation Consultants said that anxiety and stress are normal when attacks on Israel interfere with the routine and women have to leave their homes to sit in shelters or remain in fortified rooms.New mothers should be aware of the fact that nursing their babies is good for their physical and emotional health.Production of mother’s milk is not prevented by stress. The tension has only a temporary influence on nursing, they said, even though it can cause dryness in the mouth, a fast heartbeat, shaking and cold palms of the hands and feet. But after a few moments of holding the baby, the release of milk will resume because the body gets used to the situation quickly.Women can use breast pumps if they have difficulty nursing; women should not halt breastfeeding suddenly so that they don’t could suffer from blockages, inflammation and infection, they advised. Body contact between the mother and baby also calms both of them, which is a definite benefit in difficult times.Even women who are not eating properly because of the situation can still breastfeed regularly. Nursing will also protect the infant from infection by being exposed to poor hygienic conditions in crowded public shelters.The association, a member of the International Lactation Consultant Association, can be reached at, the Malhiv Center, located in Frankfort House in Tel Aviv’s Hadar Yosef, said it would give free lactation advice to any mother living under threat of terrorism from Gaza. Call (03) 647- 2411 or visit its website at