Prof. Avraham Hershko and Prof. Aharon Ciechanover of the Technion get nod to join a prestigious cancer academy.
Prof. Avraham Hershko and Prof. Aharon Ciechanover, the two Technion-Israel Institute of Technology researchers who received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2004, have been chosen to join the Academy of the American Association for Cancer Research, the world’s most important group in biology and medicine.Also chosen was Prof. Irwin Rose of the University of California, who shared the Nobel with them. The three were recognized by the Nobel Prize Foundation for their discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation in all cells that led to the development of new cancer drugs.The AACR will inaugurate the first “class” of academy associates, including the three laureates, at its next annual meeting. The academy was established recently to recognize and become familiar with leading scientists who have made significant advances in the struggle against cancer.The three and other associates – who will eventually grow to 106 members – were chosen through an objective peer-review process on the basis of their achievements, the Technion said on Wednesday.The number 106 was chosen for the number of years that have passed since the establishment of the AACR.The AACR said it recognized the three for their “immense contribution” in the field of cancer research.One of the other associates is Dr. James Watson, who with the late Dr. Francis Crick discovered the double-helix shape of DNA.