Melabev, the voluntary organization for assisting Alzheimer’s patients, will be running its annual walkathon November 27-29.
Melabev, the voluntary organization for assisting Alzheimer’s patients, will be running its annual walkathon November 27-29.It will begin in the Ayalon Valley with a moonlight walk, followed by two days near the big crater at Mitzpe Ramon.With the aging of the population, the incidence of the incurable disease of dementia has been rising steadily.Melabev CEO Motti Zelikovitch said the disease is a modern plague. While the magic pill for Alzheimer’s has not yet appeared, he said, researchers such as Prof. Marta Weinstock-Rosin continue to look for a cure.In the meantime, Melabev helps promote the well-being of the afflicted and eases the burden on their family caregivers.With 32 years of experience since its founding by Prof. Arnold Rosin and Leah Abramowitz, Melabev’s professionals and volunteers have succeeded in developing and operating activities that focus on the remaining strengths of the patients.Among them are music and animal-assisted therapy, gardening and baking, art and movement therapies, word games and Savion, the computer program that stimulates cognitive and memory skills.Melabev is about to begin the renovations of its newest site, in Jerusalem’s Givat Massua quarter. Beit Melabev will be a center for Alzheimer’s care — with three model daycare centers and a full complement of related services for older adults and their families.To supplement funding, it has received from the National Insurance Institute, the Claims Conference, ESHEL, the Jerusalem Foundation and private foundations and individuals. Melabev is seeking $120,000 from the walkathon for Beit Melabev.Every walker has made a personal commitment to raise funds from their sponsors.