Pet dog infected with rabies bites two people in northern Israel

The two people bitten by the infected dog were immediately given a preventive vaccine against rabies.

 Illustrative image of a dog. (photo credit: PXHERE)
Illustrative image of a dog.
(photo credit: PXHERE)

A pet dog infected with rabies bit two people in the town of Even Menachem in the western Galilee, the Health and Agriculture Ministries reported on Thursday.

The two people were immediately given a preventive vaccine against rabies. The ministries are working to locate additional people who came into contact with the infected Belgian Shepherd. The dog was large and black-brown in color.

What to do if you came into contact with the infected dog?

The Health Ministry asks that anyone who came into contact with the dog or whose animals came into contact with the dog between the dates of September 12-26 urgently contact the Health Bureau in Acre by calling 04-9955111 or 04-9955138 or their nearest Health Bureau.

The ministry also asked parents to check with their children to see if they have been in contact with suspicious animals. Pet owners are asked to contact their veterinarian and verify that their pets are vaccinated against rabies.

Dr. Shai Rodrig vaccinates a dog against rabies (credit: GILBOA REGIONAL COUNCIL)
Dr. Shai Rodrig vaccinates a dog against rabies (credit: GILBOA REGIONAL COUNCIL)

Anyone who is bitten or scratched by an animal should immediately wash the area with running water and soap, disinfect it with disinfectants and go to the health bureau to check if they need to receive preventive treatment against rabies.

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