Israeli field hospital on Ukraine border performs first C-Section

The C-section was carried out by the Sheba Medical Center Maternity Hospital Team, in cooperation with local hospital staff in the Ukrainian city of Mostyska.

 The baby after being delivered via a successful C-Section. (photo credit: DANA SCHENKEL)
The baby after being delivered via a successful C-Section.
(photo credit: DANA SCHENKEL)

The Sheba Medical Center team working in Israel’s Ukraine field hospital has completed the hospital’s first Cesarean delivery.

Kohav Meir (shining star) Field Hospital, which opened on March 22 to the background noise of air raid sirens, is named after former prime minister Golda Meir.

The Israeli leader was born in Ukraine and founded the Foreign Ministry’s Agency for International Development, Cooperation and Aid program, which is currently overseeing the field hospital mission.

The C-section was carried out Thursday afternoon by the Sheba Medical Center Maternity Hospital Team, in cooperation with local hospital staff in the Ukrainian city of Mostyska. The team was led by Dr. Michal Kirschenabum, along with surgeon Dr. Hadas Ilan and midwife Dana Schenkel.

The baby, delivered safely despite the limited equipment and resources available to the medical staff, weighed 3.32 kilos.

 The baby after being delivered via a successful C-Section. (credit: NAAMA FRANK AZRIEL)
The baby after being delivered via a successful C-Section. (credit: NAAMA FRANK AZRIEL)

Kohav Meir field hospital’s inauguration was attended by representatives of the Ukrainian government, the deputy health minister, the governor of the Lviv Oblast and the mayor of Mostyska.

Over 60 members of Sheba’s medical staff are working in the hospital, operating even under the threat of Russian missiles, at the request of Kyiv itself, which asked that the hospital be constructed as part of Israel’s humanitarian efforts to help Ukraine.

The hospital includes a triage area; an ER ward; men’s, women’s, and children’s wards; labor and delivery facilities – where Thursday’s C-Section was performed – imaging and telehealth technologies, mental health services, a lab, a pharmacy and an outpatient clinic.

 The medical team prepare in the Field Hospital ahead of the C-Section surgery. (credit: NAAMA FRANK AZRIEL)
The medical team prepare in the Field Hospital ahead of the C-Section surgery. (credit: NAAMA FRANK AZRIEL)

A large part of the work being undertaken in the field hospital is being done with the help of Sheba Beyond, the remote medicine unit that operates out of Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer.

 Sheba Beyond enables patients to be treated and monitored by doctors and medical staff not physically on the scene themselves, allowing for more people to be treated thoroughly and at a faster pace.

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Since the field hospital opened, staff have treated more than 1,500 patients and have performed multiple surgeries, including orthopedic surgery on an injured refugee who arrived at the border with a broken limb. They have also performed some 8,000 lab analyses.

“Our mission is to make sure that Ukrainian people know that they are not alone,” said Yoel Har-Even, director of Sheba Global who leads the mission alongside Prof. Elhanan Bar-On, director of the Israel Center for Humanitarian Emergency and Disaster Medicine.

“We have a clear moral obligation not to look away – as human beings, as medical professionals and as Jews.”